
So i was waiting around for ayaan to call me, see us girls were supose to hang out today( because i made them both something special)  but ayaan had something she had to do first, but told us she would call us as soon as she was finished.  SO i was waiting around for her phone call...and i got bored, so i made this.

Yes i can have fun with just THAT awesome!

Anyways, she never BOOO! for her!

I like the weather today though, it was nice =D

keep learning new things

Look what i learned to do!


I have now realised why i have been feeling sick latley, Why whenever i stand up i feel light headed, Why i have to shower in icecold water so i wont pass out from standing up for to long. Why i feel incapable to do anything...when im alone.

I just came back from a wonderfull time with my girl Ayaan, Being with her made me feel normal and happy, I didnt feel any kind of lack of energy, eventhough i had felt like crap just moments before.

As soon as i came home i felt lightheaded again, i felt like all my energy was draining hit me.

When im alone i have no one to feed of energy from, When im out..even just walking past a person..i suddently feel fine, but as soon as im by myself..everything just melts again. I need people to feel normal.

Virtual energy works, only if i am talking with someone i can relate back to memories with, like stored energy from the pictures in my head that ive had with that person.

Its one thing to be dependent on people, but still be able to function when they are alone...But what do you do when you're fine being alone, but not able to function?

My body and mind has somehow evolved into solely being able to function by feeding of peoples energy.

Dont get me wrong im not an energy stealer, i definetly dont bring people down..its the opposite, When im with a person i match my energy to that person, i adapt to that person, but when there is no one around, there is no one to adapt to but myself.

its a nice ability to be able to in an instant be happy and filled with energy..just by being around a person.

however, as i have always said, im not a good loner.



My new neckles, i love it!