
So steven went to jail yesterday, and for the first time i didnt get a phone call in the middle of the night, or really early in the morning from him.  it feels so wierd not talking to him, like something is missing...i feel lonley.   I did get a phone call at 9 am, i was so suprised! i thought it was him!!...but it wasnt...it was my mom.  that made me even sader.

so today ive just stuffed my face with häagen-dazs icecream ( thats what we girls do right?)...I dont know why i did it though, since i still feel horrible, ( if not even worse, from all the icecream).   im just in a really down period right now.  oh and im ON my period, which is just like the cherry on top of a a fantastic time for me right now!  ( feel the sarcasm)

on a lighter note...this is what my drivers licens looks like

haha i look just like the baby picture i had on my graduation plaque, but just older haha.


When you go through real pain, real human emotions, real tragedy, you realise the petty things that might have been importantly upsetting doesnt matter anymore, why cry over spilled milk, when you have to stay strong for your life not to fall apart. Its amazing how much your heart can take, but yet be such a fragile space. Nothing matters anymore, no one can hurt me, because i am already a sad and heavy heart. Im half a heart, as my other half is on the other side of this small world. yet the distance is greater than anything we have ever known. not untill im with you again my love, will i feel whole again.
It might be called being brave, puting your heart out there, so high up, so far, yet nowhere at all. Im not scared though, because i know you are my safety net. the one single thing that could save me. You are my pain, my heart, my tears, my love, my all..


I was ONE point away from passing my exam!  ONE SINGLE FREAKING POINT!! IM SO PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!!

Another chapter in our movie/book

Sooooo....he got 9 months in jail.  AND 2  years and 3 months of probation after that, which means he cant leave the country untill his probation is over.   GREAT!! *feel the sarcasm*  yet another depressing chapter in our movie or book.

so we're down to writing letters.  and when he comes out i can go visit him.  haha i could have written a long ass blog about this. but i went to bed at 4 in the morning, and i woke up at 11, because i have a presentation today. YAAAY * more of that sarcasm*   life just keeps getting better doesnt it!

im not bitter, just tired.   our book better have a happy ending!

oh so no cali trip for me this winter =(

its like some one up there is REALLY testing us! ive never had to go through something this hard before. ayaan and nema tell your God to lay off!   

whatever setbacks we go though, we'll work through it.

haha i wonder how my mom will take all this! oh god...i dont even want to think about it.



OMG! im craving cake SOO BAD right now!!!  uugh and i dont have anything to satisfy my sweetooth, this is torture!!

why dont we have cool cakes like these in sweden?, and if we do. where the hell can we find them?

Red Velvet Cake

Rainbow cake

Coconut cake

Chocolate cake


They say eating fruit will take away your sweet craving, well ive been eating my weight in fruit and im still craving cake!

kill me, - or atleast feed me cake!

Fall walk!

Last saturday i had the car for the weekend, so i decided to take Dan to Rynninge viken!  ( remember  we went there too look at birds 5 in the morning?) haha but this time we walked by the water. it was SO PRETTY!

Didnt like my face!

Later that night i went out with jonas, Adde, and 3 other guys. they all got drunk and i was the designated driver!

Am i sitting next to a Beatles?


Everyone, take a deep breath, something amazing happened to me today.   See a while ago i made a goal for me to reach, and today i reached it!

guess what?

I PASSED MY DRIVERS TEST!!!!!  Im leagally allowed to drive on my own now!!!   no more stupid "practise driving" sign on the back of the car!!


-haha im sucha  retard

[ Insert picture of me driving a car ]


Chill Sunday

Today i was bored so i took some pictures haha

Todays outfit

Me and my brother playing warrior!

So today i went to Dans place, we hung out and watched mirrors, which was an okey movie but i would defenetly not pay money for it.  I always have fun at Dans =D  havnt seen him for a long time!

i dunno random post! haha

love <3


Here's some imigrant pride!

girls do you remember when i used to sing this in school while walking down the stairs? haha well they made a song about it!