Happy Birthday

So yesterday was my birthday.   it was a VERY nice day! it started out with my parents coming in at 6am! with a tray of breakfast singing happybirthday and me not understaning what is going on. haha i hate when they take pictuers in the morning. specially 6 am!. they gave me a digital camera and an apple ipod nano! exactly what i wanted!.
then i went to school and I saw pictures of me all over school. it was SO embarresing!
This is what i saw

oooh my evil friends! haha.  other than that the day was verry nice! i got scones that nema made, which i have been craving forever! and i finally got my purple nailpollish that i wanted. and the cutest headband! and candles that are gonna mach my new purple room after i have redecorated it.!  then we went back to my place and had some delicous cake! it was SOO good!


After everyone left chris came and gave me his presents and ate cake. i got these REALLY cute earings! that match a neckles that i have. and i got one of those heart pillows with arms sticking out. that i can sleep with when he's not here ;) then we chilled =) it was sooooooo nice!  the whole day was nice!.

Thank you everyone! love ya all


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