Gum dropp rain and chocolate rivers

So its my last week of summer vaccation. and not alot is happening. so lets see...

Yesterday: I stayed in my bed all day and night watching movies, i cant even remember witch movies i watched, but it was alot. And i dident even have to go down to get something to eat, my mom and dad kept bringing me stuff all the time haha, it was like i was sick. it felt niice. Jonas went to gbg yesterday...aaw now i have no one to hang out with.

well im actually excited to start school, it feels like a relief, and i hope i meet some cool people i can hang out with. I desperatly need more friends. Well today i guess im not going to do anything...just sit in my bed i guess haha, im such a lazy pig.

Postat av: ayoo

haha I need to get to know some intressting foolkz too =P .. Hihi jag har en vecka mer loov

2007-08-24 @ 15:18:26
Postat av: nilo

sett dig i skolan :)

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