Morning Rant

BANG! I woke up and thought to myself, what the fuck was that?. BANG! i heard it again, i finally woke up only to realise it was the sound from shotguns. remembering that there is some kind of shooting range behind the woods and though i hear the sound from the guns almost everyday, i never thought it would be this loud. I thought to myself that it is probebly a good time to wake up, I looked at my cellphone to see what time it was. 8:12. WHAT THE HELL?!?
All these thoughts went racing through my mind.

Who the hell shots guns at 8 in the morning?! the echo through the woods make the sound so loud like it was a chinees newyear. Dont they realise there are only families with children in this neighbourhood? And its a SATURDAY!. everyone has been working the whole week and they want to be able to sleep in on this wonderuss day we call weekend. And not to mention all the little babies that have been crying all night and then they finally fall asleep, only to wake up again with this penetrating pain in their ears which is the sound from the guns. And the most important part of all, Im hung over damit!

I was THIS close to call the police and be like; they must be breaking some kind of noise law or something?!.

well i couldent fall back to sleep, luckly i wasent extremly hungover or i would most defently throw a fit.

On a lighter side. I HAD SO MUCH FUN LAST NIGHT!!!!!.  damn i havent just let go and dance all night like that in forever! it feelt so good! it was like the perfect night.

oh and today im going on a crayfish party ( haha thats how you translate it, funny i know). With mr jonas. Gosh ive been craving crayfish or lobster for so long! i hope it turns out as a good day.

Im home alone today, my whole family just left for gothenburg this morning. I dident even know they were going. They just left me here....i feel so leftbehind...


HAHA JUST KIDDING!!!.  I love every single one of you!!


I wish to be free, I wish to be care-less, I wish to be free-spirited with no one judgeing you, I wish to be able to run in the fields, I wish to laugh, I wish to cry from happyness, I wish to bring out the child in me, I wish to lay in the grass looking at the sky, I wish to roll around enjoying being dizzy, But most of all...I wish you would wish the same.

Postat av: Ayoo

Too bad that they had to do their shootings in the morning then =P.. hope the crayfish is good ;) .. haha I wish I had my home for myself sometimes, u like gurl

2007-08-18 @ 12:59:27

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