That girl needs a reality check

How random isn't life?, yesterday i was so sad, and then it all changed. I ended up going to chris' house and i had an amazing time. We ate and saw movies and stuff.

So today i woke up at his house, waked him up so he could go to school. Took the bus with him and then changed bus to go home...i came home and found out sabina tried to kill herself and overdosed on pills. ( dont worry she went to the hospital and they made her throw everything up, she is fine now).  I dont know how to react to that, i just think she's so stupid and immature. She has absolutly NO reason to do that. If she lived back in India then i would have understood. But here in sweden we gave her an oppertunity to have a life. and she doesnt even realise it. The psyciatrist told us she wanted to be like a 3 year old little child, be nurtured and get attention. WTF? I just feel sorry for my mom, she has to deal with So much. and she doesnt even deserve it. I say get her high on drugs. give her som kind of cooling out drugs that wont make her so stupid.
I know it sounds bad, but its true..she has a mind set of a little child and yet she is capable to do so much bad things. its STUPID. I just dont want to deal with it. She has totally lost my respect. That girl needs a serious reality check.  I mean look around you! You have a home, a family,  you get to go to school, you have a chanse for a future. And you dont even realise it. I think they should send her back to India to make her realise how good she has it here.

I ate chineese food today. My dad was so kind to buy some for me...however. my stomach did not appreachiate it...i felt the stomach pains afterwards.

Then at night jonas and i took a walk...we came back to my  place so he could get his hair braded by lia, and we watched movies. We watched Bridge to Terabithia,  which i higly recomend!. Its about these kids that play in the woods and live a fantisy life.  It started to make me think

When i was young, we use to do that too...we played in the woods and made up a fantisy world, and used are imagination and creativity. However I dont think alot of kids do that anymore, everything has become so digital, and passive..with TV and computer games. Not alot of kids are out in the woods playing, and making up worlds.
I wish i was a kid again and could do that , I would have really apprechiated it.

I dreamt of fairies again...It was magical

Postat av: Ayoo

Noo sarre, I think U are bein' too harsh on her. I mean imagin to live in a society wich U don't understand and a uknow language and all =/. Anywaayz it's good that she is well.. Occh duu =P umgås mer med henne å låt henne hänga med dej å dina polare mer =D. Hahha i told U chinese food is bad, all the sushi and schrimps *ijuu* =P / kiss ayoo

2007-08-21 @ 23:36:38

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