Time for change

Im done living like this, im not myself anymore, im so sick and tired of living in this body, its growing in every way and i dont want it, i want it to stop!. I want to go back to my old exhousting ways. The ruitine i used to have, it fullfilled me in every way. i dident need anything else and i was Happy .  I felt I accomplished something good for myself.


There is no better feeling than the euphoria you get after accomplishing a goal. the enternal bliz you feel wile you are there. and not to mention the high you feel after a couple of days.

* I think im allergic to cats.

So Chris is on the westcoast of sweden for 4 days, before he left i thought i was going to die without him, but now that he is gone, its not that bad. Im not dieing and to be honest i dont miss him that much. now This is a good thing! I dont want to be obsessed about him anymore. And plus i want him to know a life without me, even if it is only for a couple of days.

* coffie is an excelent source of  laxetive

I guess thats it, one last question:



Do You Believe In Fairies?

Postat av: Ayoo

woow guu vilken bra engelska du har .. det va enkelt å läsa igenom .. My the way deep thoughts U got there ..
And NOO i don't belive in fairies ;D

2007-08-16 @ 20:41:18

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