weekend wonderness

Well, there are two reasons why i havent updated, nr one: I dont update untill some one has commented. So dont just read, comment too! nr two: I havent been home =P.

So friday i went to frimis and partied!! the whole night was all about drinking, associating, and even some dancing! haha but i have to say, dancing with only guy isnt as fun as dancing with your girlfriends. Unfortunatley i was drinking from a bottle and some one backed right in to me, and i got the bottle right on my teeth and it cracked, a little pieace came off. 
Anyways the night ended in disaster, everyone got mad, and then i got mad and then i walked to chris place in the middle of the night all by my self!. and waited outside his door for like 2 hours, untill everyone came.

Saturday was a chill day, with eating takeout, and watching movies. lets just say it was the perfect hangover day.

And today me and chris went to the movies, we watched harry potter. haha after seeing all of them, you just have to see the rest. Its impossible not too. Its just so weird of how old they are now.


So i saw bridge to terabithia again, that movie makes me emotional. And not even because of the plot of the movie, Its all the thoughts that go through my mind...

Its just that...im a sagittarious, we are known to be free spirited, and that is what i am, im a free spirit..but in this day and age i dont get to be that person. I want to just be able to, run around on a field..dance in the rain..go on a adventure hunt in the forest, or just drive around with no destination...i just want to feel Free, But doing all that is looked upon as childish, and i dont want people to see me as an imature girl. I want to be able to be who i am, and have people appreachate that.


To be honest, im afraid to grow up. Now dont get my wrong, being an adult sounds exciting and there are alot of things that i want, like getting a real job, getting married, starting a family and all that. But what im afraid of is how my spirit and mind is going to handle all that. Growing older just means more responsibility and it takes away alot of freedom, which you have when you are young. And how am i supose to be able to do what makes me happy, these child-like things that grants my mind and soul of what i call happyness, careless-ness and just the feeling  of being free.


Postat av: ayoo

keep on bloggin' babe =P,, folk läser fast dom kanske inte orkar kommentera hehe :D

2007-08-28 @ 15:17:39
Postat av: Emma

Såå nu har jag kommenterat fast jag läste den för länge sen! Skriv mera dååå!

2007-08-30 @ 19:26:36

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