Another Sleepless Night

Today was one of those days that twilight between being productive but not feeling productive enough to be proud of yourself.

Started off by going to my doctors apointment, to talk about my stomach problems. Now let me tell you, i dont know if it was an act just because i was a young person or if she really was like that. Eitherway, i did NOT like her attitude! she was so cocky! and talked to me like we were buddies or something! i got really annoid!. Anyways, so they took some blood tests to see if i was allergic to gluten, and other stuff. But she said that i was lactose intolerant. I feel sorry for people that invite me over for dinner or something, first i dont eat meat and chicken and now i cant eat dairy, im just gonna hide in my room from now on. Oh and the woman that took my blood test sucked! im so used to getting a needle in my arm so i dont really feel anything anymore, but she made it relly hurt! and then when she took it out it hurt even more! and then i got a little bruse from the needle. ive never gotten a bruse before!. ugh. I also got a perscription for calcium oxide supplement ( kalk tabletter) since i dont drink milk, and havent for several years. and also some powder im supose to spread over my food, but i will probebly forget.

Then i came home, for like 5 min and then i had some stuff to do at home, ( nilo you know what im talking about). and for all other people, let me just say that somehow ive become "the go to-person" in this house. so i hear everyday, several times a day, " sarina do this", "sarina can you do that", "sarina help with this", "sarina write this," Its rediculous! Then i went to town and bought chris his x-mas present, and went and got my perscriptions. Oh and i checked my fonds, and got a telephone bank thingy, and signed up to get a visa card. Now that im going to San Diego this summer.

When i finally got home for real, i got a dredfull letter from CSN saying that since ive been skipping my distans class ( that i only signed up to so i could get 400 points, so i could get studiebidrag), since november, they can demand the money back. which will be like 2100 kr. WTF? why do they have to care if i skip a class that im going to take off my grades anyways because i'll have to many points! Ugh now where the hell am i supose to get THAT money? and there is no way im telling my parents, they wont understand, all they are going to register in their brain is " sarina skipped her class" ugh, i dunno..we'll see how it goes.

anyways i still cant sleep so.... here is a song..

nvm i dont know how to add youtube videos on here, so if some one knows, please tell me.

Postat av: Emma

Fråga på msn nästa gång så ska jag berätta :) Jävla csn, johan har också bråkat med dom. hu!

Postat av: Nema

ohh gumman, var det så illa med magen =( de inte att det går bort eller nåt?? hatar oxå när läkarna ska vara så, speciellt när de ska sticka dig utan att de varnar o sen tar i =S uschhh.

2007-12-21 @ 20:01:05
Postat av: ayoo

well now U know daaarliiing = )

2007-12-23 @ 20:34:47
Postat av: ayoo


2007-12-29 @ 18:07:57
Postat av: Nema

jag skriver i min blogg "regelbundet", do u? Write something heheh :p

2007-12-30 @ 18:34:48

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