Reality Vs Fiction - A battle of the mind.

Today I had to fake my self out of a math test by saying that I had been sick with the stomach flue and was just getting better.
Now, I have never had stomach flue before so i practecly improvised my little "act" for my teacher.
I predicted a stomach flue would make you nauses, stomach pains, feber, tirednes.
So that is what i was faking.
My teacher totally ate every singe lie, and told me to go home and hoped i would get better.
But then something strange happend.
Dont get me wrong, im used to faking that im sick, but this time i faked it so well that my own mind started thinking i was sick.
I got all the symptons that i imagined i would have.
They stayed with me the whole day and now, at middle of the night, i still feel nauses.
I honestly dont know whats real and whats in my mind anymore. It makes me think about how we see life.
Do all the things that we experience inside ourselfs actually happen, or are some things just in our minds?
And if so, are the unnecessary things that we really dont need to feel but yet by habit feel anyways, come from our minds?.
Or is it those important feelings that our minds need to feel to be able to cope with this, oh so complecated life that are the fictional ones?.
 I dont know, but this nausea, and cold sweat sure does feel real. What if it is real, and im just refusing to believe my bodies signals.
Im entirely caputred in this limbo between reality and fiction, i have been all my life, does that make my life harder, or easier?


Postat av: Nema

ohhh shit Sarre =p ....å på tal om det där att man blir sjuk/friskare beroende om man tänker negativt/positivt diskutterade de på EKG på 5:an igår. Det kan vara sant, så nu tänk positivt så blir du frisk igen heeh :p

2007-12-18 @ 18:42:20
Postat av: nilo

du jag vet precis vad du menar... jag fejkade migrän och sen börja jag känna symptomen! skitskumt hur människan funkar...

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