Pre Birth-Day Reflections...

MMmmMm...vanilla flavoured soya based yogurt! anyways enough of that.

So today is exactly 1 week untill my 19th birthday. What are my thoughts about it?  I say lets skip 19 and go directly to 20! Seriously being 19 is just such an unnecessary year.

So therefore i am not that interested or excited for my birthday on wednesday november 28th. However i AM excited to see my gurlies Ayoo & Nemo! *YAAY* =D We are just going to sit around and talk and enjoy eachothers company and the best of all LAUGH ALL THE TIME!! just like the old days! Im so excited!! =D.   But also we have to remember that someonce birthday is a day that is just for that person. the day should evolve around that person only and everyone has to be extra nice to that person and prais that person with kindness, and do anything to make that person have a great time.

If only that was true....

I complained about how i wanted change, but now i just want to go back to how it used to be...


love sarina <3

Postat av: Ayoo

Jaaa såå kul det ska blii

2007-11-24 @ 21:19:15
Postat av: Nema

Jepp, kommer bli as kul, it will be a day to remember =)

2007-11-28 @ 09:21:55
Postat av: Emma

Happy birthday to yoooou! And many moooore

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