
So me and chris decided to go on a break. I just couldent handle being his 5th priority anymore. He just doesn't have the time for me anymore, and i dont want to putt anymore pressure on him than he already has from everywhere else. I know he can be the guy for me, and thats what i fell inlove with. But once he stops being that guy...i just dont feel like im with him anymore. So im just waiting for his life to get easier, and have less pressure so that he can finally have the time for me that he always used to.

But thats not why im crying....I just all alone....i have no one that i can truly just do whatever i want with, go out partying and doing all crazy stuff. Some one that can understand me, someone that can be there for me...i have no one.  Alex moved to gbg, im not with chris anymore, and now jonas is moving to stockholm....who am i left with that i am somewhat close to and can do anything with?.

No one...I dident have that many friends from the beginning...but now....i have no one.....


Im afraid of what i might do, and what might happen to me......Last time i got saved, this time it might go really bad.

Postat av: ayaan

sarina jag beklagar the break up =(.. försökte ringa dej (på hemtel.) nyss men det var upptaget! Jag vet att vi inte är den typen av vänner som gör allt tillsammans, men jag vill att du ska veta att jag är här för dig no matter what <3

2007-09-22 @ 17:54:34

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