My Day....

Well I guess no one wants to hear my life phylosophies, and the thoughts that lay deep inside my mind depriving me from what we all may call sanity. All you want to hear is...what i do during the day....LAME!

Ok so today i woke up in time! its a miracle haha, i went to my math D class, and it was fun. I understood most of it. But then again my mind works in a way that i understand fast and easy, but i forget it just as fast and easy. Its like that part of my brain just stais in school and doesnt come home with me. Which ofcourse makes homework extremly difficult.  Oh and Georgi is in my class, we dident say hi to eachother. Its not like i cared.  Oh me and rebecka started talking about how much he has changed, and how wierd he is now. And we had a nice little giggle about it. haha it felt like highschool.

Then i came home, and i saw my dad on the way while he was walking the dog. He has really started getting controle over the dog, its difficult and it takes acouple of times, but once he obays he stais that way. Which is good. Because the dog is starting to get old and as they say...You cant teach an old dog new tricks .  When i was home i was nice!.

Then at 18.00 i had dance practise..oh how i love dancing and really sweatting! ive forgot my love for working out. I have to buy a swimming card NOW NOW NOW. I think im going to do it on friday. YAAY im so excited to start swiming again!.  They say the spring fashion is verry formfitting, so laidies better start working on their bodies!.

Oh and i watched idol ofcourse haha its so entertaining!. And then i got a phone call from a salesperson, selling aolevera tablets and rosenrot tablets, it only cost 78kr or something, since the product was i said yeah sure why not, i can afford it. The rosenrot is supose to give me more energy..and we all know im in desperate need of it!

I guess thats it...since i slept earlier im not tired right now..which is really bad, since i have to wake up early tomorrow. But oh they say..You made your bed and now you have to sleep in it.  Unfortunatly im not sleepy.

I walk the bridge of life, trying not to step through the missing planks, the scenery is so beautiful and destracting that i dont seem to realise that the bridge leads right into the water.

Postat av: Emma

Du kan skriva dina filosofiska tankar också, men när du inte kommer på dom, skriv massa annat bullshit så vi arbetslösa har något att göra på dagarna! ;P

2007-09-13 @ 16:12:34
Postat av: Ayoo

haha lol,people change! :S. Ja å nema såg chrisman i Uni, han va fett trevlig å hälsa å allt, med tanke på hur han va på studenten =/

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