My Deep Thoughts At A Lan.

Woah...have i been lazy or WHAT?...haha i'm so sorry everybody. I've just been really physically not well. I've been tired, having constant headaches, fatigue ( which basicly means exhaustion for those who dont know), low blood value, and i almost fanted this week. I honestly dont know what is wrong with me. The first thing that came to my mind was that i might be pregnant, so i took a test and the results were negative. So now i dont so confused, and i keep gaining weight!! its crazy!, ive never been this heavy in my whole life! its not normal. I HAVE to start working out again, atleast now i have dance once a week. But its not enough, i have to start swimming everyday like i used to do.

anyways thats enough of blogging, lets wright something meaningfull.

hmm......OH! haha latley my dad has been on a powertrip, he is so crazy, he complains and yells at everything we do! The other night my dad was all like " this family is so unhealthy all our food is always fried, and mom doesnt excersise anymore, and there is not going to be anymore indian cooking in this house!, if you want indian food, you can go to a restaurant, and bla bla bla". And then he sais " there is nothing to eat in this house"...and you know what he does?!...HE GOES AND DEEP FRIES SHRIMP!!!, thats like the most unhealthy thing you can do!! hahah omg talk about hypocrytical. But i can kind of understand why he is all crazy, he is surounded by 4 yeah, basicly any male person would go crazy.

oh no thats blogging again..damit and i wanted to write something meaninfull!...lets try that again..

hmm....ugh...i suck, my mind is blank, empty....I have an idea!. Why dont YOU the people that are reading this, write a comment about something they want me to talk about!. It can be ANYTHING!. And i'll write my thoughts about it in that professional good english kind of way!

I guess i'll be here waiting for a write one....NOW! GO! GO! GO!.


Postat av: Ayoo

Hope your are well sarre from all the sickness <3. Det är bra att du tränar mkt gettin' healthy and sporty ;D.. ska också försöka träna sometimes *will never happen, tooo lazy* haha ;D. Men lycka till sarre

2007-09-09 @ 17:32:13
Postat av: Ayoo

Hope your are well sarre from all the sickness <3. Det är bra att du tränar mkt gettin' healthy and sporty ;D.. ska också försöka träna sometimes *will never happen, tooo lazy* haha ;D. Men lycka till sarre

2007-09-09 @ 17:33:19
Postat av: Emma

Du ska skriva om vad du gör på dagarna, så att vi kan följa ditt liv in i minsta detalj!; Och hur går det i skolan!? Och nu måste du fan gå och träffa en doktor kvinna.

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