Tired Of School

Im seriously so sick and tired of school...im sick and tired of everything actually. i just want to lay in my bed and hide away from this world. There is nothing that can change my mind right now. I dont feel like going to my classes, not that they are going bad, im doing very good actually, specially in my math classes. Its just these late classes, swedish C and psycology B that i took just so i could get some money for all this shit. And i dont feel like going to those classes because they are not important to me.

everything just makes me tired, i dont know what to do. i think its the weather thats effecting me. or my period, i dont know. All i know is that im fed up.

Im having trouble getting up in the morning. seriously...its like i just wont wake up anymore, even if the alam on my cellphone is on. This is not good.

I could really use a weekend and an energy drink right now.

So party on fridaaay yeaaaah!!. but you know...nothing turns out the way you want it to. so its probebly going to be a distaster, or i wont even go out or something.

Oh and on friday i have a meeting with the boss of Coop forum here in Lillån. I hope i get a job. pray for me!

Postat av: Nema

hehehe sarre...först jag ba nej stackaren =(, hoppas du blir bättre o hang on...sen kommer din party *yeah* heheheh vilken vändning :p
Du har bara lite kvar nu av plugget, jätte bra att matten går fint iaf =)..tänk på det maré brukade säga till dig *yes sarina that's right, or listen to sarina* that will turn you're day/s up :D ;)

2007-09-27 @ 15:29:07
Postat av: Ayaan

Oooh jag hatar oxåå skolan, fast U know,, it's a must liksom =/.. Hoppas du får jobbet babe ;D

2007-09-27 @ 21:11:01

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