
I do so much, but at the end of the day i just dont have the energy to sit and write about it.  I'll rather write when i have something important to say, or i feel i need to express myself. Not just so you guys can keep track of what im doing.

So yesterday was a beautiful sunday, so i decided to go exploring the woods that souround our area, to my surpise there where actually paths that you could walk on. it wasnt just moss everywhere.  I took a bunch of photos, you see i believe that there are creatures in the woods that are blind to the naked eye. and we need video or pictures to be able to see them.  looking back at the pictures i was right!  here is what i found

A fairy! ( its really hard to see on here, you actually have to zoom to see better, but thats not possible on here)
the head is white shining light, the wings are blue and the legs are transparent.
it certantly doesn't look like it belongs there.

The next thing i noticed in some picture was this wierd green light source. Its wasnt in all pictures, but in these 4.
It really doesnt look like it belongs there either, almost looks fake.  wierd..

I always knew there where mysterious things in the forest!

Postat av: Ayoo

hehe du å din läskiga skog.. Hur lång tid tog det för dej att komma hem? / Löööv

Postat av: Emma

Ett troll!

2008-04-22 @ 22:33:17
Postat av: Fioona

Jo, man kan blöda. Men oftast tar det några dagar... Men nu kom det redan på eftermiddagen och sen var det fan mer blod än något annat :S

Eh, det var bara en skål från Naturgodis... Jag hade visst råkat bli medlem där! hahah! Så det var inte roligare än så :P

2008-04-23 @ 17:52:36
URL: http://fioona.blogg.se/
Postat av: Nema

ohh wow coolt! Hoppas du inte är kvar i skogen länge alone =D ...

2008-04-24 @ 22:32:56

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