A Lot of Walking

The day started with me and johanna walking around campus, (Its so freaking big!) we walked around for about an hour and finally found the area where all the resturants and starbucks and seven eleven was.

This is the view from the parking lot, its soo pretty, perfect place to sit and think or just chill.

just to prove that its not taken from google =P

little johanna =) ( with my top haha)

Then we chilled by the pool and drank sangritas *YUMMY* with the girls. (they have a pool right outside their apartment.)

These are 3 of the girls we live with, there are two more.

This is my new energydrink "rockstar" its not as good as poweking, because this one makes me need to pee alot, but it tastes alright. But i miss powerking! the cup was my second picher of sangrita, haha

We spent the rest of the day in down town San Diego, did some shopping and ate, ( i had my first fish taco, it was delicous). and on the way i picked johanna a flower (Im so sweet, haha)
Johanna even got a dress for free because the girl accedently pressed 00. instead of 10. when she was typing the price into the register. haha so she only had to pay like 7 dollars that the t-shirt she bought cost, and the dress she got free haha. lucky the girl that worked there dident notice.

Here are some pictures from when we walked home again and it was sunset.

And here are some random pictures from last night. We dident do anything special, we where supose to go to this college bar but we dident because no one was going there anyways and we where all tired.

Me trying to Sleep haha


Today we are going to L.A for the weekend, so i dont know if i can access a computer. i'll take alot of pictures while im there and then post them when i get back on sunday.

love you all! dont forget to leave a comment <3

Lastly everyone needs to hear this song. haha its soo funny.

<a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/8e5cf85a87">Show Me Your Genitals (Jon Lajoie)</a> on <a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/">FunnyOrDie.com</a>

Postat av: Ayoo

HAHAHHA va sköön du är just to prove its not taken from google haha det är braa deet.. hur lärde du känna dom där brudarna ni bor med btw,,, din kusins vänninor???

Postat av: Chrille

haha du vet att det finns photoshop :P haha nerrå fan vad skönt att ha pool bervid, ni ser ut att ha det bra där nere i allfall så det är bra;D jag ser på bilderna att du trivs inte som här:P hälsa johanna och paddi från mig ta det lungt och festa mtk:P haha

2008-06-15 @ 17:57:36
Postat av: Mr Broad ; )


2008-06-15 @ 18:02:43
Postat av: Rebecka

ååh gumman vad jag blir avundsjuk! vill ju också åka till USA och leva livet :P fan fick inte jag följa med för ;P

Hoppas ni har jättekul, men räkna med att jag kommer dra med dig till USA någon dag :D

Puss och kram gumman

//Rebecka fd. NV3A

2008-07-02 @ 16:37:59
URL: http://onachampagnehigh.blogg.se/

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