Big Update, L.A Weekend

So this weekend we went to L.A hell yeah! apperantly we go there every weekend and party in hollywood! ( which we did).

First night.

So the first night we went to a benefit show, there where a bunch of bands there, the girls had friends that where performing. it was alot of fun, i liked it. but i dont think it was johannas scene. but it was totally my scene haha.

first we got ready at paddis place.

We made johanna totally look all rockstar, haha but she didnt like the music. oh well =P

cutie paddi and johannas cool hair

After the show we went and partied in the back of a vaccume shop! haha totally random. but  paddi and her friends manage these two DJ's and sometimes they spin in the back of the vaccume shop and they go there and drink and dance. it was alot of fun though! private DJ's and everything! haha

It actually WAS a vaccume shop in the front haha.

What dident get on camera.
Me and johanna went out side to find a place thats open to buy more rockstars. we went up the street ( totally wasted) and we went by a bar. and johanna was like oh lets go in!, So we went in and there we met these two guys, and they where gay! and totally like all girly! i LOVED them! haha I was like OMG ive always wanted to have a gay friend, and he was like well i'll be your new best friend! haha, they where sooo sweet!  but the bartender kicked us out, haha but i'll always remember them, they where the best guys! they even made out infront of us, i was like aaawww and johanna was like no homos! hahaha wtf?!

anyways i had such a great night it was so much fun. but then i drank WAY to much, and i had to go throw up haha and johanna thought it would be a nice idea to take a picture.
hahah i was so wasted. but the two DJs where like, hell yeah! now your initiated into our group! hahah wtf =P.

The next day we went to the mall, and i was SOO hung over. and felt neauses the whole day, but i had to find a dress for the night.

me and paddi in the foodcourt.

That night we went to a dance club in hollywood!! hell yeah!. unfortunatly my camera ran out of batteries, but i managed to take pictures of downtown L.A from the car.
it was SOO pretty! ah i love hollywood at night.
dont worry, we are going there everyweekend, so there will be pictures taken.

The club was SO much fun! they had three dance floors, and there where so many people. we just danced all the time. but the guys where totally different here than they are in sweden, everyone just comes up to you and asks you to dance and you just want them to leave you alone!. outside in the smoking area, this guy was working for camell ciggaretts, so he gave out free smokes! haha how awesome isnt that?!.

well im glad i couldnt drink there, because i was still kinda hung over haha. and plus the drinks here are so damn strong, all they taste is alcohol. eew. thats because the people here just want to get drunk. i think im just sticking with smirnoff ice from now on.

On sunday we went and got peddicures and mannicures, they where sooo nice! i love getting them. and it was soo cheap! 180 kr for both! OMG!

My pretty toes and nails.

Then we just chilld outside and tanned, and listend to music while we where waiting to go back to san diego.

Can you see us? haha

oh and i found a new energydrink called monster. I like it ALOT better than rockstar. so thats what im drinking from now on!

well thats my update for now.

untill next time! ciao!. Dont forget to comment, thank you!

Postat av: Nema

haha yeah baby, rock n roll lol hihi....hahah yeah I can see u :p, cool bild,

2008-06-17 @ 00:03:07
Postat av: ayoo

haha it looks like U hade quite a niiight =P ta det va lite lungt med spriten hunnie ... drink dina enegridrinkar istället haha ... I guess that U dont miss bettrop ... loots of loooove

2008-06-17 @ 18:21:05
Postat av: Emma

Haha förstå när du kommer hem, hur boring allt kommmer vara jämfört med det du upplever! :D:D

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