We got here last night, im sooo jetlaged. i woke up at like 4.30 in the morning today, its so wierd.

our flight was soo tireing, 9 hours on the first plane, and then 4 hours of waiting in chicago and then 4 hours on the plane to los angeles. and on the last plane me and johanna dident even have seats next to eachother, so we had to sit next to strangers, those where the longest 4 hours ive ever been through.

We also got a little drunk on the plane, free wine!

but it feels nice now that we are kinda settled. i cant wait til im use to the time here and i can wake up normally.

our first day we spent at my aunts house, me and johanna went to the mall and did some shopping. we bought a few really nice things =).  We went to the pet store, where they have all the puppies and kittens in like cages and you can see them and even ask to hold them, so they take you into a room with the puppy.  me and johanna asked to hold this cutest puppy, omg he was sooo cute!! we named in snapple =P random haha.

We also had some sushi at the food court at the mall.  the california roll is sooo good!!

Then while we where waiting for paddi to come get us, me and johanna sat by the pool and had a little party haha it was fun, we danced and stuff.

haha random bild

Come join our pool party ;)

haha thats it for out trip and day, but im going to update often with lots of pictures so you guys can keep and eye on me =P hope everyone is having fun in sweden.


Postat av: Nema

finally there =) ..hih nice pictures,,speciellt sista söt puppy <3

2008-06-12 @ 13:06:34
Postat av: Emma

Ha så kul nu! Ja se till att uppdatera OFTA! Är inte så lite avundsjuk! ^^

Postat av: Ayoo

ååååååh va skooojiigt du har deet ... keep on blogging giiirlfrieend ... visa oss Cali genom din blogg hehe

2008-06-12 @ 14:37:15
Postat av: nilo

ååh tack babe det känns jätteskönt!! :) vad kul att du fortsätter blogga nere från cali, du får ha det super jag kommer följa det ;) ha det great babe vi hörs:) kramar!!

2008-06-12 @ 21:17:41
Postat av: Chrille

hey för fint där nere ser att du har det bra iaf:D

2008-06-15 @ 17:51:54
Postat av: Chrille

den 4:e bilden nerifrån och upp när du står vid trädet ser du riktigt fin ut på :D kanske ska söka in till model nu när du är där nere ;)

2008-06-15 @ 17:53:55

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