so much

gosh ive done SO MUCh since i last posted, i really should start updating more often.  It would be too much for me to write everything, so i'll just post some pictures and some text with them.

firstly, you guys do know i have a bilddagbok right?, i post there more often. so check it out: my username is sarre88

Well ive hung out with Dan and Emin ALOT latley, a little too much maybe ;)

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HAHA nice ;)                                          Im not mad, the sun is in my face =P
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what can you do 2 am in vivalla? play colliding games with shopping carts =Pimage116
Me and Johanna bought friendship bracelets =D ( but mine broke, so now she is going to make them into necklecess)

I've also been out to Frimis with my girles =D
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i always have fun with them =)

Lastley, i was in stockholm with the guys. too bad everyone was hung over and it was super hott outside!
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one last thing. i got my new phone yesterday!!! =D
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Its so damn sexy!!   dont ask me why i havent taken off the plastic cover yet, it just feels wrong =P haha

what am i doing today?

ive been so bussy latley, im like never home, so im going to clean my room, and just chill today, take care of myself you know.

so there you go there is my update, have a nice day. 10 days till i leave for california <3

Postat av: Jimmy

hehe ja såg dej också igår :) hade ni trevligt lr?

Postat av: Fioona

Jag vet inte vad hon heter, men jag klippte mig på Salong Diem i Kumla. Men det är bara hon som klipper där tror jag! :) Hon var verkligen riktigt grym!

2008-06-01 @ 22:37:03
Postat av: Jimmy

hehe okej brukar inte vara roligt på mm precis. Tack så mkt inte ofta man är sådär uppklädd hehe.

2008-06-01 @ 22:49:15
Postat av: Ayoo

hahaha nu vet jag vad du gör på nätterna ... åker omrking i kundvagnaar ... jätte snygg moobil btw =D .. ska oxåå köpa en ny innan sommaren är sluut hopefully

2008-06-02 @ 17:10:05

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