Slow sunday

lets start off with todays intake.

Lunch-A plate with 1/4 rice with 3 tablespoons of yogurt based curry souce and 2 quorn dogs.
Dessert-1 piece of wild berry cake
Dinner- half a bowl of rice mixed with lenses and raisens ( persian rice mix)
Snack- 2 slices of whole wheat bread with philadelphia paprika on.

other than that ive had some juice and a bunch of throat pastelles because i have been caughing up my lungs the whole day.

woah i ate ALOT today!

So today i havent done anything, just played some sims 2, watched Enchanted ( good movie), watched tv. went to the store to buy something for my throat.

ive been so lazy. but hey thats what sundays are for right?

I know i have to start drinking water again. Like i used to do. I always carried around a water bottle to school and i drank water constantly. I know its good for me. So i know i need to start with that.

tomorrows monday. and mondays means a new beginning. So as of tomorrow im going to start with my water bottle again!

im thankfull for any kind of tips and suggestions.  like i want to eat more fish, but what kind of fish should i buy? and how much does it cost? i like white fish. but i have never bought fish before, other than fish sticks =P. but those arnt good for you.

i need more protiene and veggies in my diet. so please if you guys have any suggestions just keep em' coming in! im thankfull for all of them =D

an old picture from prom.  i love that dress!
too bad my boobs are to big to fit in it anymore *damit* =P
i can still get it on, but it mushes that area.  and not like a pushup which would have been great!
But soon my dear dress...! You will fit normally again! *mohaha*

lol its 1.30 am and im bored. dont judge me =P

Postat av: Emma

finns att köpa lax, torsk och allt möjligt i frysdisken. Fiskpinnar är ju panerade, det är ju inte alltför nyttigt ^^ Jag brukar köpa Keldas färdiga soppa och sen koka bitar av fisk i den. Finns i alla möjliga smaker och det går fort :D Sen koka lite broccoli, steka sparris och lite sånt till. Mumma!

Postat av: Ayoo

hahah lol hur orkar du sitta halv två på natten å blogga =P .. men det e bra giiirl.. Synd att du gick så fort igår kväll... åå gratis igen till U know what =).. ses nästa måndag kväll daarliing

2008-03-04 @ 10:55:02
Postat av: Fioona

Ja, jag funderar på det, men det känns bara som om läkaren kommer säga att det inte är något fel på mig. Det gör de fan även om jag kommer in med 40 graders feber och dessutom svimmar framför ögonen på dem... (har faktiskt hänt) Så det får vänta. Väntar på att det sak gå över bara! :)

Ja, jag får göra det! Tack för tipset! :)

2008-03-05 @ 16:58:47

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