The end of an era

So i broke up with chris was hard, one of the hardest things. But i had to do it. I couldn't just keep on pretending anymore, pretending that whenever he said "i love you" i dident feel uncomfortable, pretending that whenever i say "i love you" that i dident feel guilty for not being true to me or him. pretending that i often dident feel trapped, pretending that i was completly happy.

I mean i still care for him, he will always have a place in my hear, just a different place. I had to do this for myself. i have to find out what i want, and i cant let anything get in my way.

And no i dident just throw away a 2 year relationship. we had an incredible 2 years, and we will always have those 2 years, they just dont dissapear. They will always be there whenever we look back on our path of life.

I dont know what the future holds, if there is something ive learned from chris is to not plan ahead. So thats how im living my life now.

Life Is A Series Of Decisions And Experiences.

-lets see what my next adventure has for me.

...You Will Always Be My First Love..

Postat av: Ayoo

jag beklagar darling =/ .. Ses imorron sötnos

Postat av: Emma

Im happy for you! Men det är svårt ändå, det förstår jag..*hugs*

2008-03-25 @ 08:47:06
Postat av: Nema

Samtidigt som jag beklagar, är jag även glad för din skull. You did what u had to do, och resten kommer gå just FINE =)

2008-03-25 @ 20:19:26
Postat av: Nema

TIME to update with new news, don't u think =p

2008-04-11 @ 17:26:42

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