
okeey so this is my intake today.

14-15 pm a bowl of wooked veggies & rice with soy souce.
after that i dident do much eating..
1 can of poweking.
then througout the day i had some sour coated alghrens bilar ( they are SOO good!)

my family decided to go and get pizza and i said i dident want any because i wasnt hungry, but i said i wanted a can of diet coke. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY BROUGHT ME? ofcourse you dont, thats why you are reading this. they bought me a shrimp sallad. DID I ASK FOR A FREAKING SHRIMP SALLAD??!?! NOOO!! ALL I WANTED WAS A CAN OF DIET COKE. and you know what....?  THEY DIDENT EVEN BRING ME THE CAN OF DIET COKE!..  yet another example of how they bring me stuff i havent asked for!   ofcourse i couldent say anything. so i said thanx and had 2/3 of it. what was i supose to say? i dident want them to have spend like 50 kr in vain.


so yeah add a freaking shrimp sallad to my intake.

my excersise to day was 4 hours of cleaning and remodeling my room. *yaay*

Postat av: Ayoo

so u are serious about this food diary.. well thats very good... i'll be reading this.. is looks intressesting indeed =) .. take care sweety , we'll see each other tomorrow

2008-03-02 @ 14:46:01
Postat av: Fioona

haha, nej den var inte åtdagen! eller så åtdragen den går att få, men inte tillräckligt så att den formar något! Det är egentligen en klänning från H&M som jag köpte typ i tvåan, men jag tröttnade på den och fick ett infall att göra om den till en topp! :) Blev riktigt nöjd, men den skulle gärna få vara lite mindre :P haha! :)

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