
Today i woke up at chris' place, around 11 am. i stayed in bed watching TV while i was waiting for him to get back. but then at some point i fell asleep again and woke up at 3 pm! wtf!  hopefully i wont wake up that late tomorrow.

so i wasnt sure what to eat at chris place, i dident know what he had, if it was all junk food or not. but luckly i found some frozen broccoli, and the only think that wasnt meat or chicken was some fishsticks. I knew i dident want to eat the bread coverd part, so fried the fishsticks a little so i could get the bread cover off, and then i just fried the fish filés. and boild the broccoli.
now let me tell you, when you take of the cover of fish sticks you realise there isnt much fish there! i had three small fish sticks, i wasnt sure what kind of fish it was, but it was white.

unfortunatly i dont have a picture, because i left my camera at home, but for your visuall pleasure i DID take the time to draw you a picture! haha excuse my lack of drawing skills.

lunch? (omg) - 3 boild broccoli heads, 3 small fish filés, 1 glass of water.
haha see what i do for you ppl!. 

my excersise today was one hour dance class. *YAAY FOR DANCE!* its fun=D

then when i came home i had a bowl of cheerios cerial with banana slices and milk.   nice little dinner =D
i dident take a picture, *BAD SARINA!*. but im not going to draw that!

im hungry right now, but i dont want to eat, so im just chewing gum after gum haha.


Postat av: Fioona

Ja, det ska jag ha! :)
Åh, det är fortfarande en kvart till klockan ska ringa egentligen... Men tänkte att det var lika bra att gå upp när man vakna, annars kommer man vara värsta liket.

Snygg bild ;)

Postat av: Ayoo

hahah skööön biild

2008-03-14 @ 09:09:56

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