
Its amazig how low you can feel, But im making progress, Today ive accepted my situation. Ive accepted what my life is, and who i am. And im not trying to be anything else, or live in Lala-land like i used to.  I always lived with my head in the clouds, but ive always been let down, or in denial.  Now im just going to accept whatever happens, and just go along with it. There is nothing i can do about the situations im in.

It gives me some kind of feeling of contentment.

Im doing fine when im around people, but when im alone, sometimes, for maybe a couple of minutes, thoughts catch up to me and i break down.  But i guess what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, so as long as i can pick myself up again, I'll be fine.

on another note, its amazing what blogs have done. Most blogs are about what you have been up to and stuff, But i find my blogg is really like my diary, where i tell people my feelings, maybe not everything but most of it.  You would think it would make you vulnerable, but I find some kind of comfort of knowing that you girls know what im going through and how im feeling, and I dont think you understand how much it means to me that you girls take the time to comment, and try to chear me up, or bleed with me.

<3 Love, Sarina

An old favorite,  brings back memories. But at the same time kind of calming.

Postat av: Nema

Det är en framgång jag lovar, att acceptera saker o ting, det gör livet mkt enklare än vad man har trott och oftast leder det till bättre resultat än förväntad. Just do what u gotta to! Step by step brukar man säga, snarare problem by problem, hela livet känns som frakin problemlösning som gör en starkare när man väl tar itu med det och bara rulla vidare med livet, like u're doing right now =) ... hihi freakin uppsats har jag skrivit nu men, Vi finns alltid här för dig, no matter what =D mi casa, su casa lol =P <3

2008-11-19 @ 20:55:52
Postat av: Ayoo

will always be there for U <3 och Nema .. Forever Viiii <3

2008-11-20 @ 16:53:21

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