Am I A HeartBreaker

What defines a hearbreaker?  Is it someone that sets out from the beginning to break someones heart, or is it someone that does what feels right for her, but ends up breaking hearts also.

I am the second one.  Its not like i decide from the begining that im going to break someones heart, but somehow in every relationship ive been in ( 2 ) I end up doing it.  The problem is, i get cought up in things really easily, and i make hasty decisions.  But ones the dust settles, i realise my situation and i realise the decitions ive made arent what i want anymore.

So, i broke chris' heart, and now im going to have to break Stevens heart.  

wtf stop falling in love with me!! i'll just end up breaking your heart!

seriously i dont think i can have a relationship, I dont even want one. I dont want anything to do with guys, and love and blah,  i just want to suround myself with friends that i have fun with and that make me happy, and that will be there for me. even if some of my friends are actually guys.

so YES im a heartbreaker! WHAT! WHAT! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!  *ghetto attitude* hahaha

but i really dont mean to. When i fall for someone, its true, true feelings, but maybe i fall alittle to fast that my brain can keep up with. and ones my brain has cought up, it makes me realise it might not be the right thing for me at this moment.

look what i got in the mail from steven, its a birthdaygift. together with a card he made, and like a book of letters

WTF! how am i supose to break his heart?! the guy sent me a gift from jail for god sake!!  UUGH THIS IS SO HARD!

but you have think about it rationally, he is in a position where he has nothing else going for him right now, but the thought of me loving him and being there for him when he gets out.  I doubt he would want to keep on doing this if he just lived a normal life, like I do.  so in reality his feelings for me are kind of forced onto him because of the situation he is in now.

thats it for me. i still dont know how im going to break the new to him.

BLAAAH  FROM SARINA; "The heartBreaker"

Postat av: Ayoo

I sure u will come up with some way to break his heart .. soofly ;D heheh

2008-11-26 @ 17:03:58
Postat av: Ayoo


2008-11-26 @ 17:04:21
Postat av: Nema

Måste du berätta det för honom just nu när han sitter inne, är det inte bättre att vänta tills han har kommit ut atleast. Som du säger, nu när han känner sig extrem ensam, jag tror det skulle påverka honom extra mkt. Tänk mer nu att det kanske är ett bra sätt att bli vänner istället, nu när ni delar brev o ¨så. Jag tror han kommer förtså dig när han kommer ut iaf fort med ert liv.

Ibland blir det inte såsom man förväntar sig. U gotta get usued to it. Du har helt enkelt inte bara hittat THE guy =p , du kommer på ett sätt att berätta för honom och hopefully det kommer gå bra ;)

å andra sidan om du har tankar på att bli lesbian, Ayo finns alltid där för dig =p ...hihi

2008-11-26 @ 17:51:27

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