Cought in yesterday

Im so sick of having to go through hard things all the time, Its like ones something is dealth with, something new gets shoved in my face. And im just so sick and tired of it. There is so much i go through, and you dont know half of it. because i dont feel comfertable sharing my problems with people. I think im so strong, that i can get through anything, But the process is just so fucking hard. and im so sick of it.  Its like, i had the time of my life this summer, and now i have to pay for it.  Eversince i got back, its just been one shitty situation after another. And im so sick and tired of it.  I just want to be at a place in my life where im content, where im not going through something that makes me cry, and that i can just be okey with my life, and apprichiate what I have.  But thats not how it is right now, so i cant do anything, but to not open my self into those situations.

my heart is offically closed.

So you girls should probebly know that im over Steven, what we had was an incredible summer, and it was foolish of us trying to make it into something more.  Its easy to get cought up in all the  hype, but now that i havnt talked to him in a long time, ive come to my sences, and realised that what we are trying to do is just to hard, and i cant go through with it.
ive always told my self i wouldnt have long distance relationships for a reason.

Its going to be hard telling him, but i have to do whats right for me.

Dont get me wrong, im not upset about Steven, im over it. Its the other things im upset about.

I normally dont listen to swedish rap, but the coures ( the girl part) in this song, makes me feel a little better. again, its NOT about steven.

Så svårt att kontrolera sina kännslor
kärleken den kompliserade sig,
och tro mig han försöker att glömma dig,
för eran kärlek blev en omöjlig grej
Men du kommer aldrig lämna han i drömmarna
Han försöker men du finns alltid där,
För hoppet är det sissta som lämnar han
så han kommer aldrig glömma dig.

Postat av: Nema

I guess there is nothing much to say except vad La Fontaine sade "På tidens vingar flyger sorgen bort"

och den där låten, scary true :p , I actually like it, sorligt, men sann

2008-11-18 @ 21:28:00
Postat av: Emma

It can only get better! Klyshigt men förhoppningsvis sant!

Postat av: Emma

It can only get better! Klyshigt men förhoppningsvis sant! Sen att man undrar varför det inte händer på en gång..Men tids nog får vi alla vad vi förtjänar hoppas jag :)

2008-11-18 @ 22:11:53
Postat av: Ayoo

vaaaaaaa? are sure babe ?? but U had such strong feelings for him, and he had the same for U. Well I'm glad att du gör det som är bra för dej. Ska ringa och tala om det för honom, eller tar du det när åker ner till USA? Hur det än går, I'll support U honey ;).. du är ej den enda with hard times, allt ordnar sej.. Miss u darliing <3

2008-11-19 @ 11:59:42

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