Day one.

Today started with a wakeup call from nema <3, we talked and it was really nice, you always make me in a good mood! =D  then, as i was going to make something to eat, i looked at my dirty apartment and told my self. "Sarina, your not allowed to eat anything untill you clean your apartment!". haha its like im my own mother.  But when you're on your own, thats what you have to do.

After i cleaned my apartment, i made breakfast, and watched the new episodes of Simpsons, Family guy, and American dad.  after that, i watched some TV, and then i watched a movie. In the middle of the movie my dad called.

He picked me up and we went to eyrabadet to buy me a swimming card. My dad said it was a good idea that i swam instead of going to a gym.  He said:  "swimming is alot better than working out at a gym. swimming brings harmony and peace of mind, and its really good for the bodys nervcells. ( he's a neuropsycologist, so he knows his shit). Working out on those machines is like you're doing a horses job!."  and then when we got to eyrabadet and we walked passed the windows where you can see everyone work out on the machines, my dad went: "look at those people, they all look like horses!"  
i thought that was funny.

So i swam for an hour, which was really nice! sat in the jacuzzee, and then the sauna.  aahh so nice. Then i walked all the way home, i think its like 3 km.

Well so far so good, i havnt had a real anxiety attack, but even right now as im writing this, i can still feel it in my body, slowly creaping up on me.  i can still feel it being hard to breath, like  i have a stone in my chest, and yes im still kind of restelss, but i do think making my body tired, by swimming and walking is helping to keep it down,and not blow up into a full blown panic attack.

lets hope this works...

I just want to take this time and thank my friends for really being there for me. specially nema and ayaan, i would feel so alone if it wasnt for you girls. You girls are truly friends for life and i know we will always be there for eachother!
thank you Dan for being concerned about me, and sending me that sms :)


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Postat av: Ayoo

Wiihooooo.. I'm soo freaakin happy äntligen läsa ett inlägg som visar att du håller på att må bättre =D yeeey U made may day now... Sitter här i norrland och oroar mej för deej... Soon U will be baack on the toop of your game honey ;D.. Aaaw klaart sarina&nema&ayaan forever alltid Vi, since 2004 ;D.. never let eachother down <3.. Btw videon,, what the heeck? Hahah snubbe i läskigmask på tre-hjulig , sen ramla han av, åå alla skratta?? LOOOL ajaja =P funny I guess haha

2008-11-04 @ 11:42:28
Postat av: Nema

'Sarina, your not allowed to eat anything untill you clean your apartment!' haha that's the spirit =D =D !!! o din farsa asså hahah , THAT was really funny!!

since 2004, så bara 4 år har vi känt varandra! Känns att vi har känt varandra i evigheter...that's amazing!! Hur skulle värden se ut utan er u guys,, finns ingen som kan ersätta er spot =D=D <3<3<3<3

2008-11-04 @ 16:54:52
Postat av: Emma

Heey! Kul att se dig igår! Jobbar imorrn också om du har vägarna förbi :D

Postat av: Ayoo


2008-11-09 @ 14:53:24

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