
So I did the abortion on saturday. It was the worst pain ive ever felt in my life! ive never felt so sick ever! i was in so much pain i thought i was going to die.  anyways so that was 4 days ago...i have the afterbleeds now, its like period but alot more blood. but it hurts alot more. i have the worst cramps! they say im going to bleed 2-4 weeks. wtf! i just want it to be over!! im sick of being in pain.

oh and last night my whole body started aching! see ive spent the last days working my ass of at school for hours and hours, and then at night ive been painting my apartment for hours and hours, and i have barley eaten anything, so i dont have much nutrision in me, not to mension all the blood im loosing. so my whole body just feels horrible. oh and i was cold sweating tonight, woke up all sweatty. which means there is something wrong.

i dont know what to do anymore, i just wanna go back to normal...pray that i get back to normal soon!

Postat av: Ayoo

bleed to 2-4 weeks?? Nää baabe hoppas det är en kortare period än såå .. Du får köpa super bindor ;D .. men very soon babe the bleedings will end... OCH JAG HAR EJ ERSATT ER haha =P its impossible

2008-09-18 @ 14:59:11
Postat av: Ayoo

UPDATERAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !! MISS U SARRE/MAHTMA hehe .. vad har du för dej ,, du å PR-maffian ?? take care sweeetiieee <3

2008-09-24 @ 16:11:15
Postat av: Emma

Tanker pa dig..Det kommer snart kannas battre!

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