
Song of the day
(sorry ayaan i know you cant listen, get headphones damit!)

So today i got to take a pill that makes my uterus dilate and soften up. hahaha   then i got a little home abortion kit,( thats something you dont say everyday) which consists of pills, and pills for the pain, and also other essentials, like a rice bag that i heat up and i can have on my stomach, also giant pads for....well the blood.  taking all that on saturday.   the pills today just gave me cramps. ugh.

my mom thinks i shouldnt tell to many ppl...but ive only told my friends, and i happen to have quite a few that i feel i can talk to.  what does it matter anyways?  she's just scared about what ppl will think of me, well i dont care, shit just feels wrong keeping something like this a secret from my friends.  also if i didnt tell anyone, who would be my suport system right? its not like she has the right  words to say.

anyways, idol wasnt that fun one that wowed me.  my favorites so far is

Anna Bergendahl

Lars Eriksson

Lars is probebly the one i like best, but i dont want him to win. i want him to do his own music and get famous. totally original.

Postat av: Nilo

babe if you need to talk you know where i'm at... I know how that feels...<333 and it's not wrong to tell!

Postat av: Ayoo

åååh babe <3 im gettin thee head phones ,, dom finns ej i denna datasal dock =/ ..

2008-09-15 @ 16:36:43

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