I Want To Escape Reality!

I just want to enhance my life experience with some kind of substance.  My life is so fucking boring right now. There is nothing fun to do. No one fun to do it with. I need help from the chemicals in my brain.  Just fucking tripp out!!

get me out of this reality and into the magical one!

I want to see colors!

I want full force seratonin! Complete and utter bliss!

I want a whole new world infron of my eyes!

Im just so fucking bored of my everyday life!

I WANT more! I CRAVE more! I NEED more!

-Just let me escape this dull reality i live in, just for one night, please

Postat av: Erik

Hahaha! This is a bit different from the other MKV/Örebro blogs that are out there. Not exactly the usual study anxiety blog posts. But I do like it!

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