so lost

Play song while reading.

Im so lost, how am i supose to do this?  how will i achieve living the way i want to?

when your brought up in a certan class in society..the upper middle class, parents with Phd.'s in psycology..always living in big houses, always having money to travel and do whatever.  Some people want to keep in that class. getting higher educations, so they can earn money and keep on living the way they always do.   But, just as less fortunate people strive for higher educations to break away from the way of life they were brought up in, so do i feel i want to do. I dont feel the need to live in this higher society and make lots of money.  I just want to live somewhere were i will be happy and have a job that will pay my bills, and just enjoy the life experiences life throws at me.

If i could choose, i would love to live along the beach at a remote place, zeeland..or hawaii. or even along the coast of california, and just have a job where i get to meet people, and get to experience life.  (not sit in an office all day)
That is truly what my heart desires.

At the same time, I feel guilty. I was granted oppertunities in life, that alot of people dont have. I have the chance and possibility to get a higher education and get a good paying job and get a good place in society. But i dont want it.

But my parents work so hard to grant us all these oppertunities, and i just dont want it. ( i've been that way since i was a kid, i never wanted anything from them)

So what if i did decide to live the way i want to. I would have no idea where to start, or how to achieve it. It seems as picking the higher education and the way of life that i actually dont want is so much more easier that doing what i actually want.

I just dont know what to do. im so torn.

Postat av: nicky

i think you already know the answer! just follow your dreams. if you don't you will regret it if your life won't be as satisfying as you hoped. if you do choose to follow your dreams but they don't work out, you at least followed your heart and you can not blame yourself.

for me the decision is pretty easy!

2010-02-15 @ 01:04:06
Postat av: Ayoo

Va häärligt att se dej blogga darling .. That song text made me depressed .. Lycka till med allt i Holland .. öret misses U

Postat av: Nema

wow sarre, mycket det du skriver är så sant, well vi är uppfostrade olika och för det mesta av oss utbildning=framtid (och skaffa pengar självklart, så att vi kan klara av och stå på våra egna ben. Men sen måste vi göra det vi tycker mest om, det som gör oss happy. Det gäller bara och tänka igenom det man egentligen vill, samtidigt som man får någonting utav det!!

Just follow your precious heart babe and choose wisely <3

haha nu fick du en uppsats av mig haha.

2010-02-15 @ 16:28:49

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