
What do i want?...

I want to live not under someone elses rules and watch,  i miss being free.

I got home later last night then i had agreed on with my boss because they had blocked off the roads and i got lost and had to guess my way back.  and ofcourse she got upset with me

" i dont like it when we agree on something, and you dont do it, it questions my rely on you"

i mean obviously i feel bad about it. but it wasnt my intention. sometimes unplanned things happen!

Even though she sais we're okey ( after i asked her),  i still have this nagging feeling in my gut. and it makes me realise how i just cant live under someone elses watch.  I dont like it at all.  and im waiting for the time where i just  live for myself again.

Taken last night before i went to my friends birthday party

Postat av: Ayoo

ooh la la =D sarroos

2010-03-17 @ 16:28:08
Postat av: Nema

oj shit, blir hon alltid sådär om man inte gör det hon säger.... även om hon har nåt i det hon säger, men det är väl första gången, chilla woman...eller =p haha

haha love the pictures though...får en känsla att du inte bryr dig haha Go Sarre!

2010-03-17 @ 21:53:40

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