The reason

I truly Love each and every person that befriends me, that conciously makes a descision that they like having me in their lives. That they like my company, and give as much to me as i give to them. Everyone grows up and becomes adults, but we always have our inner child in us, and i am very much still conected with that inner child. And sometimes i see my life from her point of view, and it gives me a different perspective about life. Makes me happy, or excited about the different aspects of my life.

The last two days ive been at a lecture about finding your inner strength and and figuring out the root to your problems and having the right attitude about differnt things.

I started thinking about my comitement issues, the fact that i only comit to something and give in full heartedly if i know it has an expiration date. Thats why its so easy for me to fall into summer romances. But i think i have an idea why i cant settle anywhere, why i constantly have to be on a move. I think my comitement issues lay in some sort of abandonment issue, that i subconciously have had my whole life since i was a baby. The people who know me, know why i would have abandonment issues, I wont go into it.  But i think thats why I'm the one that always leaves first.

But i think my life has made me stronger, When i face abandoment, it makes me stronger, thickens my skin. i come out of it a much stronger person. I dont ever let it get me down.

Its important to be able to be insightfull about your life and yourself.  If you truly know who you are, its easy. I accept the fact that i constantly change, and everyone around me aswell. But atleast i know who my soul is.

Postat av: Nema

min Sarina <3

2010-09-25 @ 10:37:10

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