
After all this traveling back and forth to two different lifes, two different worlds...Somewhere along the way in an airplane or a train ive seem to lost a part of myself.  Im not sure what it is..but i dont fully feel like myself, not in sweden nor in Holland.  Although in Holland i am more happier than i am in Sweden. 
But i've changed, and i dont like it.
I no longer feel like that free spirited hippie girl that i once was.
Is this growing up?...i dont want it.
I still have my principals and my way of living. But somehow ive lost my spirit.
I dont know what will take to get it back, but i know something is changing inside me..and maybe im just scared of change, because i truly loved the spirit i had...and i need to somehow find it again.

Random pics rain

Postat av: Ayoo

babe .. jag är glad att du har stannat up och tänker på dej själv nu !! kanske är det dags för något mycket bättre =)

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