im alive
Im alive, ive just been busy or to lazy to write. im having alot of fun meeting new people. and dont worry im not making the same mistake i did last time by falling in love with someone, haha!
i still havent seen steven yet, i dont know what to do. im letting it play out by its self. eventually i
ll do something.
Im going to my aunts house today. you know i have to see the reletives and all.
miss everyone!
hemma fest

couddle puddle!

alla ar hoga pa E haha

Im in the cool gang!

the day after:
We went looking for some snow in the mountains. (as was everyone else!)

We found some!

oh noo!

yo whats up!

Me trying to act like a professional photographer, (like always, haha)

i still havent seen steven yet, i dont know what to do. im letting it play out by its self. eventually i
ll do something.
Im going to my aunts house today. you know i have to see the reletives and all.
miss everyone!
hemma fest

couddle puddle!

alla ar hoga pa E haha

Im in the cool gang!

the day after:
We went looking for some snow in the mountains. (as was everyone else!)

We found some!

oh noo!

yo whats up!

Me trying to act like a professional photographer, (like always, haha)

Postat av: Nema
Bra rubrik till att börja med =p ;)!!! ...she is alive everybody YAAY hahah =D . haha kom till sverige å leta snö här istället =p, du kommer inte ens behöva gå till bergen för att söka efter snö haha, frekn cold out here =S................ Rock on girl n good luck with that ;) <3
Postat av: Ayoo
hahaha yeah thats good sarros .. dont fall inloove . then U dont have to break their heart later =P ... anywayz take caare ;D
Postat av: Emma
blogga dååååå!
Postat av: Nema
"jag lovar jag ska blogga oftare den här gången" du gav mig hopp lady =p uppdatera heheheh =D