The one thing that im going to miss the most, that does not ( what i know of) exsist the same way in sweden, which is the rave scene
It has opened my eyes to this whole new scene that i LOVE! and i wish i could bring it back to sweden.

This is my friend pappy, he is a very fun person!

Dancing, Music, Lightshows, People, Love, Ecstacy,Unity...You gotta love it!
It has opened my eyes to this whole new scene that i LOVE! and i wish i could bring it back to sweden.

This is my friend pappy, he is a very fun person!

Dancing, Music, Lightshows, People, Love, Ecstacy,Unity...You gotta love it!
Postat av: skanna
haha. vi som brukade skratta åt ravare? nåt har hänt sen jag åkte! hoppas du har det bra, vi ses snart. puss
Postat av: Nema
WoW, Coola färger oxå =p =D ...haha bring it to sweden girl =p
Postat av: Ayaan
ecstacy the druug? hahah hope not... i hope U mean ecstacy from all the dancing =P looool.. btw fick du inte ont i huve av alla starka ljus and techno music?? haha I'm mistaken you for myself haha, jag skulle go psykoo in that place... Anywayz det e skoj att veta att du har fun babe .. see U soon (in 11 days haha) =D huugz
Postat av: Emma
Det finns massor med ravekryssningar och ravepartyn (fast mest i stockholm och göteborg). Min äldsta bror åker ju på såntdär hela tiden. Men drugs are bad for you!!
Postat av: Ayaan
saaaaaaaaaaknaaar deej urtooooooooo <3