Im going insane!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think im going insane!! i dont know what to do anymore! and i dont even know what the problem is!!. when im out or with people, its fine i forget about everything..but i dont go out that often, i mostly sit at home...and thats when everything is just shit! i just feel so restless, and fillied with anxiety! and somehow i just cant stop eating! thats all i do, and i never feel full!. its like i have this whole, that im trying to fill..but nothing works!
I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO?! i dont even know whats wrong with me!. all i know is that im going insane to the point where im almost crying!. GAAAAAAHHH i need something in my life, i just dont know what it is!
WHAT TO DO?! WHAT TO DO?! IM SO FUCKING FRUSTRAITED!! i just want to crawl into a hole and die!

Im a trapped butterfly who has lost herself, im dying inside...Please help me.
I actually like this song. ( its the girl from heroes, if anyone watches that). the song is catchy, but it took me a couple of watches to before i started liking it. would have been better if it came out in the summer though.
I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO?! i dont even know whats wrong with me!. all i know is that im going insane to the point where im almost crying!. GAAAAAAHHH i need something in my life, i just dont know what it is!
WHAT TO DO?! WHAT TO DO?! IM SO FUCKING FRUSTRAITED!! i just want to crawl into a hole and die!

Postat av: Ayoo
oooh my sarrre, du e lite sällskapssjuk kanske.. it can happen sometimes ... I knooow ;D du kan börja på en sport, eller skapa gemenskap på ett eller annat sätt. Doo whatever som får dej på glada tankar.. Plus så tror jag oxåå that U miss your american boy (would you be myameeeerican boy, nanaan laalaa)hehe estelle & kanye.. Hoppas den här känslan av anxity goes away. much loove
Postat av: Nema
ohhhh usch sarre, som ayo säger 'att du sällskapssjuk', jag förstår dig, jag vet att man får panik o plus att du saknar steve, snacka om bad combination =S. Men We must put stop into this! From now on I will do my best n keep suprising u, like it or not o våga säga Nej ! =p =D