New Years
was the best new years of my life! ( so far)
celebraited it in L.A at a massive called together as one, ( TAO)

Euphoria with his massage vibraiters, they were awesome!

Temptation and of-beat ( my second body guard)

temptation and euphoria

Me and my two security guards, straight from the marienes!

So beautiful

Can you say hiiiiiiggghhh!?

I Defenetly want to go back for next year!
Hope everyonew had a nice newyears =)
celebraited it in L.A at a massive called together as one, ( TAO)

Euphoria with his massage vibraiters, they were awesome!

Temptation and of-beat ( my second body guard)

temptation and euphoria

Me and my two security guards, straight from the marienes!

So beautiful

Can you say hiiiiiiggghhh!?

I Defenetly want to go back for next year!
Hope everyonew had a nice newyears =)
Postat av: Ayoo
vaaaaaaart e duu kvinnaaa =p
Postat av: Nema
haha tänkte precis fråga det samma. Skickade dig sms o grejor hahah =p. Är du hemma i Öre, lever du, lr vad hääääääääänder. Vi får snart hjärtattack missy !! =P
Postat av: Anonym
UPDATERA !! vrf e din blogg sååå freaakin dööd =P
Postat av: Ayoo
UPDATERA KVINNAAA ...!! SKRIIV DIN AGENDA 2009 .. GIVE YOUR BLOG LIIFE AGAAIN hehe kollar din blogg jämnt and its never something neew ,, what goin on in ur liife ;D