
Why am i stuck in this hell hole while my dear missed friends get to live their lives and have fun and enjoy eachothers company whenever they want to.  If they only knew how lucky they were to have eachother.

I got to taste their sweet life, and then i was casted away..and like a junkie longing for a fix, so do i feel..longing for their company.

oh how i miss you guys..if you only realize how lucky you guys are to have each other.

i dont deserve this

Melancholy day

They say your smiles melts the room..
Your enchanting laugh puts a smile on peoples faces...
Your conversational skills engadges people with interest...
Your coy personality is enchanting...

Girl you're to pretty to be this down


There is an empty hole in my heart,  i feel hurts when im by myself.

when will it mend?

A slow and painfull process

I forgot how much it hurts trying to extract someone from your heart.
Once you let a person far in, and you are forced to take them out again, it takes alot of time and effort.  
Im fine during the day, but once night time strikes i feel it.
It feels unnatural.   But i dont have a choice really.
Once im done with this process, however long it might take.
The walls are coming back up
Remind me to get tripple locks on this time.

seriously wtf?

Where the hell does this anxiety i feel creaping up coming from?!  i just dont get it! i know my life isnt how i wanted to be, but i used to always be able to adapt quickly.  I know times dont stay the same for a long time, so i know things will change...but why do i need to get anxiety for it?  Somehow my life has schedual and rythm, but inside its just like this big blurry mess!

Im dealing with it, and i know im doing really good.  But i feel that im doing something wrong, i shouldnt be having anxiety like this. 

I still dont feel like myself yet..i realize it when im with people.

Still climbing up the ladder...just give me some time..


You might have broken me
But i've been through enough to know
Each  time my skin gets thicker
And I get the chance to grow

im such a fool

I dont understand why i never learn? so quick to diving into things that look like fun..but i never think about the consequences...NEVER...there is never any consequences in my mind...untill it hits me...and im fucked..again.
i did it again..i let someone in..lived my little fantasy life in my head..and now im the one hurt...stupid girl
i was a dreamer...and now im let down.

back to being a cold hearted bitch...woho!


I'm not obsessed over you, I convince myself im fine on my own. I dont need anyone....but your absence somehow leaves a space in my heart, ...and eventhough I have people around me all the time...I cant help to feel lonley.
I guess you mean more to me than i thought.   To bad i cant do anything about it.

Somehow you make me feel at home, more than anywhere else i've i belong.

....and now im out wandering around in the dark again.


After all this traveling back and forth to two different lifes, two different worlds...Somewhere along the way in an airplane or a train ive seem to lost a part of myself.  Im not sure what it is..but i dont fully feel like myself, not in sweden nor in Holland.  Although in Holland i am more happier than i am in Sweden. 
But i've changed, and i dont like it.
I no longer feel like that free spirited hippie girl that i once was.
Is this growing up?...i dont want it.
I still have my principals and my way of living. But somehow ive lost my spirit.
I dont know what will take to get it back, but i know something is changing inside me..and maybe im just scared of change, because i truly loved the spirit i had...and i need to somehow find it again.

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