We like to get drunk and play guitar hero!

And so the sun came up, and the wind blew, the rain mixed snow pured down. But this wasent just anyother day, infact this particular day on november 28th was the day i turned one year older. 19!

So the day started by my family coming into my room at 6.am with woffles and cake and presents. I got shoes and skin care product from mary kay. Then it was off to class and after class i met ayaan and we went to the university to meet nema. See i thought we were just going to hang out and have fun.

But they suprised me with cake and scones!
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Then i got birthday cards
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Then we went to town and checked out the new krämaren. I had an awesome time! thank you girl! =D

When i got home i was so exhousted. But i wanted to celebrate so jonas,johan,steve and petter came over and we drank and played guitar hero. it was really fun!

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Then we went out. and Chris felt better so he came out with us.

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Towards the night i was so exhousted i just wanted to go home and sleep so i went home around 1 while everyone else stayed out.

I just want to say thanks to everyone that helped me celebrate my birthday with me! =D

Pre Birth-Day Reflections...

MMmmMm...vanilla flavoured soya based yogurt! anyways enough of that.

So today is exactly 1 week untill my 19th birthday. What are my thoughts about it?  I say lets skip 19 and go directly to 20! Seriously being 19 is just such an unnecessary year.

So therefore i am not that interested or excited for my birthday on wednesday november 28th. However i AM excited to see my gurlies Ayoo & Nemo! *YAAY* =D We are just going to sit around and talk and enjoy eachothers company and the best of all LAUGH ALL THE TIME!! just like the old days! Im so excited!! =D.   But also we have to remember that someonce birthday is a day that is just for that person. the day should evolve around that person only and everyone has to be extra nice to that person and prais that person with kindness, and do anything to make that person have a great time.

If only that was true....

I complained about how i wanted change, but now i just want to go back to how it used to be...


love sarina <3

hopelessly falling...

You know what irritates me?, see i have estimated that if i leave 7 min from my house i will reach the bus station in time before the bus comes, now this plan has NEVER failed me! im always in time for the bus, except for one situation...when the bus is EARLY!. this morning the buss was 4 min EARLY! thats almost 5 min before its supose to be here! buses arent supose to be allowed to be EARLY! i mean come on! what are they thinking with?!, what if people have to get to some important meeting and they miss the bus because ITS EARLY! almost 5 min!!! thats outreagous!! they arent allowed to be early!. Someone should write them a letter.

Anyways so for a long time now i have absolutly NO energy to do anything anymore! im tired ALL the time! and its really getting in the way of my life. I have no energy to study, or swim, or even clean my room!. and no matter if i go to bed at 10 pm instead of 01.00 i STILL dont have the energy throughout the day.

I think its this exsess fat that ive managed to grow on my body. Its taking all my energy and its really anoing!. they say when you excersise you have more energy, well that makes sence right? excersing means that there is less fat to take your energy. But i have a question; if you have no energy because you are fat, how are you supose to get the energy to work out so that you can get more energy from being not so fat?. I dont have the energy to work out, but yet that is what i have to do to GET energy!. its confusing!
I would rather just not do anything and starve away the fat, but then i woulden't have energy anyways because i wouldent have the nutrients for any energy.

All this talk about energy! i mean i can eat how many vitamin and nutrients and rosenrot pills as i can, but its still not helping me! and i dont know what to do!! HELP!!. even writing this blogg is making my arms tired.

Its crazy! i just want to sleep all day and stay up all night! but i cant!.



new update coming soon!