hahah full!
jaa jag kom nyss hem från krogen, så jag är ganska full haha så här skriver jag när jag är full..MOHAHAHA!
jag va med johanna o hennes kompis ( just nu kommer jag ej ihåg vad hon hette) vi va först på MM o tog en cider,sen drog vi till backstage. 70 kr inträde ( fyfan vad dyrt) men altså de va det värt. för FYFAN VAD SOFT DE VA DÄR INNE! de va typ hiphop o reggie aktigt. o alla va helt softa o dansgolvet va packad, o man kännde massa! fyfan vad varm de va!! svettades nog av alla kalorier jag drack =P haha
just nu är jag inte hungrig, utan mest sugen på mat. trots allt har jag inte ätit mer än ett stekt egg i morse. o sen har jag ju druckit typ 3 xider, o blev bjuden på en shott. haha ja ghadde fett kul iallfafll!!! yaaay!
jag va med johanna o hennes kompis ( just nu kommer jag ej ihåg vad hon hette) vi va först på MM o tog en cider,sen drog vi till backstage. 70 kr inträde ( fyfan vad dyrt) men altså de va det värt. för FYFAN VAD SOFT DE VA DÄR INNE! de va typ hiphop o reggie aktigt. o alla va helt softa o dansgolvet va packad, o man kännde massa! fyfan vad varm de va!! svettades nog av alla kalorier jag drack =P haha
just nu är jag inte hungrig, utan mest sugen på mat. trots allt har jag inte ätit mer än ett stekt egg i morse. o sen har jag ju druckit typ 3 xider, o blev bjuden på en shott. haha ja ghadde fett kul iallfafll!!! yaaay!
Tired Of School
Im seriously so sick and tired of school...im sick and tired of everything actually. i just want to lay in my bed and hide away from this world. There is nothing that can change my mind right now. I dont feel like going to my classes, not that they are going bad, im doing very good actually, specially in my math classes. Its just these late classes, swedish C and psycology B that i took just so i could get some money for all this shit. And i dont feel like going to those classes because they are not important to me.
everything just makes me tired, i dont know what to do. i think its the weather thats effecting me. or my period, i dont know. All i know is that im fed up.
Im having trouble getting up in the morning. seriously...its like i just wont wake up anymore, even if the alam on my cellphone is on. This is not good.
I could really use a weekend and an energy drink right now.
So party on fridaaay yeaaaah!!. but you know...nothing turns out the way you want it to. so its probebly going to be a distaster, or i wont even go out or something.
Oh and on friday i have a meeting with the boss of Coop forum here in Lillån. I hope i get a job. pray for me!
everything just makes me tired, i dont know what to do. i think its the weather thats effecting me. or my period, i dont know. All i know is that im fed up.
Im having trouble getting up in the morning. seriously...its like i just wont wake up anymore, even if the alam on my cellphone is on. This is not good.
I could really use a weekend and an energy drink right now.
So party on fridaaay yeaaaah!!. but you know...nothing turns out the way you want it to. so its probebly going to be a distaster, or i wont even go out or something.
Oh and on friday i have a meeting with the boss of Coop forum here in Lillån. I hope i get a job. pray for me!
I will always love you..
So that was it, our last weekend in a really long time. Its going to be hard, but i think i can do it...Its going to feel good to get a grip of your own life again. Learn to get to know yourself again and become an individual.
So jonas left...and then chris left...and i got new bed sheats. first i got wine red with golden chineese marks on, but then i switched to black with golden chineese marks on, it suits my room better.
So....I got my period, so im a little emotionall, but its not that bad. However it hurts like a motherfucker, since i havent had it for 2 months. ..well..as chris said; " now we know your not pregnant", well i dont care i still hate having periods.
Lucky ayaan, she is so malenurished that she doesnt even get it anymore, haha i should try that. Maybe starve myself so i dont get my period anymore, haha funny...
why am i crying?...stupid song, why am i listening to it...it just makes me cry...but yet i cant stop...
311 - Love song
So jonas left...and then chris left...and i got new bed sheats. first i got wine red with golden chineese marks on, but then i switched to black with golden chineese marks on, it suits my room better.
So....I got my period, so im a little emotionall, but its not that bad. However it hurts like a motherfucker, since i havent had it for 2 months. ..well..as chris said; " now we know your not pregnant", well i dont care i still hate having periods.
Lucky ayaan, she is so malenurished that she doesnt even get it anymore, haha i should try that. Maybe starve myself so i dont get my period anymore, haha funny...
why am i crying?...stupid song, why am i listening to it...it just makes me cry...but yet i cant stop...
311 - Love song
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
How ever far away
I will always love you
How ever long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again
How ever far away
I will always love you
How ever long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you
So me and chris decided to go on a break. I just couldent handle being his 5th priority anymore. He just doesn't have the time for me anymore, and i dont want to putt anymore pressure on him than he already has from everywhere else. I know he can be the guy for me, and thats what i fell inlove with. But once he stops being that guy...i just dont feel like im with him anymore. So im just waiting for his life to get easier, and have less pressure so that he can finally have the time for me that he always used to.

But thats not why im crying....I just realised....im all alone....i have no one...no one that i can truly just do whatever i want with, go out partying and doing all crazy stuff. Some one that can understand me, someone that can be there for me...i have no one. Alex moved to gbg, im not with chris anymore, and now jonas is moving to stockholm....who am i left with that i am somewhat close to and can do anything with?.
No one...I dident have that many friends from the beginning...but now....i have no one.....

Im afraid of what i might do, and what might happen to me......Last time i got saved, this time it might go really bad.

But thats not why im crying....I just realised....im all alone....i have no one...no one that i can truly just do whatever i want with, go out partying and doing all crazy stuff. Some one that can understand me, someone that can be there for me...i have no one. Alex moved to gbg, im not with chris anymore, and now jonas is moving to stockholm....who am i left with that i am somewhat close to and can do anything with?.
No one...I dident have that many friends from the beginning...but now....i have no one.....

My Day....
Well I guess no one wants to hear my life phylosophies, and the thoughts that lay deep inside my mind depriving me from what we all may call sanity. All you want to hear is...what i do during the day....LAME!
Ok so today i woke up in time! its a miracle haha, i went to my math D class, and it was fun. I understood most of it. But then again my mind works in a way that i understand fast and easy, but i forget it just as fast and easy. Its like that part of my brain just stais in school and doesnt come home with me. Which ofcourse makes homework extremly difficult. Oh and Georgi is in my class, we dident say hi to eachother. Its not like i cared. Oh me and rebecka started talking about how much he has changed, and how wierd he is now. And we had a nice little giggle about it. haha it felt like highschool.
Then i came home, and i saw my dad on the way while he was walking the dog. He has really started getting controle over the dog, its difficult and it takes acouple of times, but once he obays he stais that way. Which is good. Because the dog is starting to get old and as they say...You cant teach an old dog new tricks . When i was home i slept..it was nice!.
Then at 18.00 i had dance practise..oh how i love dancing and really sweatting! ive forgot my love for working out. I have to buy a swimming card NOW NOW NOW. I think im going to do it on friday. YAAY im so excited to start swiming again!. They say the spring fashion is verry formfitting, so laidies better start working on their bodies!.
Oh and i watched idol ofcourse haha its so entertaining!. And then i got a phone call from a salesperson, selling aolevera tablets and rosenrot tablets, it only cost 78kr or something, since the product was free...so i said yeah sure why not, i can afford it. The rosenrot is supose to give me more energy..and we all know im in desperate need of it!
I guess thats it...since i slept earlier im not tired right now..which is really bad, since i have to wake up early tomorrow. But oh well..as they say..You made your bed and now you have to sleep in it. Unfortunatly im not sleepy.

I walk the bridge of life, trying not to step through the missing planks, the scenery is so beautiful and destracting that i dont seem to realise that the bridge leads right into the water.
Ok so today i woke up in time! its a miracle haha, i went to my math D class, and it was fun. I understood most of it. But then again my mind works in a way that i understand fast and easy, but i forget it just as fast and easy. Its like that part of my brain just stais in school and doesnt come home with me. Which ofcourse makes homework extremly difficult. Oh and Georgi is in my class, we dident say hi to eachother. Its not like i cared. Oh me and rebecka started talking about how much he has changed, and how wierd he is now. And we had a nice little giggle about it. haha it felt like highschool.
Then i came home, and i saw my dad on the way while he was walking the dog. He has really started getting controle over the dog, its difficult and it takes acouple of times, but once he obays he stais that way. Which is good. Because the dog is starting to get old and as they say...You cant teach an old dog new tricks . When i was home i slept..it was nice!.
Then at 18.00 i had dance practise..oh how i love dancing and really sweatting! ive forgot my love for working out. I have to buy a swimming card NOW NOW NOW. I think im going to do it on friday. YAAY im so excited to start swiming again!. They say the spring fashion is verry formfitting, so laidies better start working on their bodies!.
Oh and i watched idol ofcourse haha its so entertaining!. And then i got a phone call from a salesperson, selling aolevera tablets and rosenrot tablets, it only cost 78kr or something, since the product was free...so i said yeah sure why not, i can afford it. The rosenrot is supose to give me more energy..and we all know im in desperate need of it!
I guess thats it...since i slept earlier im not tired right now..which is really bad, since i have to wake up early tomorrow. But oh well..as they say..You made your bed and now you have to sleep in it. Unfortunatly im not sleepy.

I walk the bridge of life, trying not to step through the missing planks, the scenery is so beautiful and destracting that i dont seem to realise that the bridge leads right into the water.
My Deep Thoughts At A Lan.
Woah...have i been lazy or WHAT?...haha i'm so sorry everybody. I've just been really physically not well. I've been tired, having constant headaches, fatigue ( which basicly means exhaustion for those who dont know), low blood value, and i almost fanted this week. I honestly dont know what is wrong with me. The first thing that came to my mind was that i might be pregnant, so i took a test and the results were negative. So now i dont know..im so confused, and i keep gaining weight!! its crazy!, ive never been this heavy in my whole life! its not normal. I HAVE to start working out again, atleast now i have dance once a week. But its not enough, i have to start swimming everyday like i used to do.
anyways thats enough of blogging, lets wright something meaningfull.
hmm......OH! haha latley my dad has been on a powertrip, he is so crazy, he complains and yells at everything we do! The other night my dad was all like " this family is so unhealthy all our food is always fried, and mom doesnt excersise anymore, and there is not going to be anymore indian cooking in this house!, if you want indian food, you can go to a restaurant, and bla bla bla". And then he sais " there is nothing to eat in this house"...and you know what he does?!...HE GOES AND DEEP FRIES SHRIMP!!!, thats like the most unhealthy thing you can do!! hahah omg talk about hypocrytical. But i can kind of understand why he is all crazy, he is surounded by 4 girls..so yeah, basicly any male person would go crazy.
oh no thats blogging again..damit and i wanted to write something meaninfull!...lets try that again..
hmm....ugh...i suck, my mind is blank, empty....I have an idea!. Why dont YOU the people that are reading this, write a comment about something they want me to talk about!. It can be ANYTHING!. And i'll write my thoughts about it in that professional good english kind of way!
I guess i'll be here waiting for a comment....so write one....NOW! GO! GO! GO!.

anyways thats enough of blogging, lets wright something meaningfull.
hmm......OH! haha latley my dad has been on a powertrip, he is so crazy, he complains and yells at everything we do! The other night my dad was all like " this family is so unhealthy all our food is always fried, and mom doesnt excersise anymore, and there is not going to be anymore indian cooking in this house!, if you want indian food, you can go to a restaurant, and bla bla bla". And then he sais " there is nothing to eat in this house"...and you know what he does?!...HE GOES AND DEEP FRIES SHRIMP!!!, thats like the most unhealthy thing you can do!! hahah omg talk about hypocrytical. But i can kind of understand why he is all crazy, he is surounded by 4 girls..so yeah, basicly any male person would go crazy.
oh no thats blogging again..damit and i wanted to write something meaninfull!...lets try that again..
hmm....ugh...i suck, my mind is blank, empty....I have an idea!. Why dont YOU the people that are reading this, write a comment about something they want me to talk about!. It can be ANYTHING!. And i'll write my thoughts about it in that professional good english kind of way!
I guess i'll be here waiting for a comment....so write one....NOW! GO! GO! GO!.