Just like in a movie

They say art imitates life, its funny how when things happen to us we might think " this is just like in the movies", but in reality movies reflect on life and all that comes with it.

So here is my movie,

I went on a summer vaccation, to find myself again. I met wonderfull people and had the time of my life. I also met a guy, had a summer romance, It was a typicall summer romance, we always had fun, we found things to do every single day, we became eachothers bestfriends, not to mention all the trouble i got in from my family for being out everynight, but it was all worth it. it started out being all fun and games but eventually when you care for someone it stats getting more and more serious. We fell inlove, but we both knew i had to go back to Sweden at the end of the summer. After many tears and goodbyes i went back home.  To my suprise we found a way to be able to still keep in touch and comunicate, we called eacother everday, and we decided we didnt want to just leave it as a summer romance, we wanted it to go further.
So we made plans, He was to come and visit me after he saved up enough money, his job paid really good, but not without the constant risk of getting cought. We we're going to get married and get him a citizenship so he could live here and go to school, and we could be with eachother.  We continued talking on the phone everyday, God knows what we talked about. But it was the one thing i looked forward to.
As time went by he eventually had enough money, and went and orderd a new passport. "i'll see you in two weeks!", I was so excited! life couldnt be better! i was moving out of my house to my own apartment, i was becoming independent, school wasnt too hard, and the love of my life was finally coming to see me!.
If there is one thing ive learned in life, its to not get your hopes up, never tell people too much, never assume everything is going to go the way you plan it, never think life is a reliable componant. Somehow, all of my life learnings just went out the window!
I told everbody and everyone was excited for me, i started making plans of what we would do here, started daydreaming of how it would be when he got here, how it would feel when i finally got to see him again at the airport. I was in such bliss.

That one phone call; I got a phone call one night, as i do everynight, but this one was different. " we got cought, im in jail"
As i had just gotten woken up from sleep, i was still not fully conscious,
- "your kidding with me right?",  "
- "i wouldnt joke about something like this, just know that I love you and  i'll do everything to try and come visit you, i'll call you when i get out "         
As i hung up, my whole life came crashing down, I started crying hysterically. Why was this happening? what wrong had i done for something like this being thrown at me? Whats going to happen now? Since i had no controle over the situation and i couldnt do anything, i felt so helpless. That was one of the worst days of my life. Lucky i had group project that day to get my mind of things, but as soon as i came home, i packed all my things in my room as fast as i could and told my mom to give me a ride to my apartment so i could finally move out, I couldnt stand being home around people, i just wanted to move out already. I didnt tell my mom anything, since i had no idea what was going to happen.
When i got home i got a message from him. telling me he's sorry for all of this, and that he probebly couldnt come untill next year. I broke down again; i threw myself in my bed and just cried and cried. I found another messeges from him, the other one said he was going to try and get an extension on his courtdate and then he could come visit me in 4 weeks, and go back right before his courtdate. A new light of hope was lit! It might not have been what we planed, but it was just 4 more weeks of waiting.
Things where looking up again. The next night as i was talking to him on the phone, he got another phone call so we hung up and he was going to call me back. That second phone call; He called me up again and told me to call him back, like he always does. But this time i could hear in his voice something was wrong. As i dialed the numbers i was dreading what i might hear next, somehow at that point everything was just going in slowmotion. As he picked up i got the news. That was the police officer, and he said he wasnt allowed to leave the country for another 5-6 months.
I couldnt believe it!,
I dident know what to say, all i could think about was This wasnt supose to be this hard!, we where two people who met and fell inlove and wanted to be with eachother, and we just keep getting setback after setback.
We both just started crying on the phone. Was this all worth it? should we just forget about eachother? No, i certantly didnt want that. I would just feel even worst not talking to him and trying to forget him. He was my other half, he had my heart, you cant just forget something like that.
Changing gameplan; What were we to do now? " i wish i had a break from school so i could come and visit you "  As i still had him on the phone, i went to my computer to check my schedual. YES! i dont have classes between december 18th to january 9th,  i could totally come and visit between that period! could just save up my money, buy a ticket. This could totally work.

So here i am, sad he cant come, happy i can go visit him instead. I still have a feeling that we have alot more drama and setback ahead of us. But somehow i feel it in my gut that this is right, this is going to be all worth it. and as my driving teacher tells me " you have the right intuitions Sarina, just follow your gut feeling"  So thats where i am right now.

And as they say "Nothing in the world worth having comes easy"



So I did the abortion on saturday. It was the worst pain ive ever felt in my life! ive never felt so sick ever! i was in so much pain i thought i was going to die.  anyways so that was 4 days ago...i have the afterbleeds now, its like period but alot more blood. but it hurts alot more. i have the worst cramps! they say im going to bleed 2-4 weeks. wtf! i just want it to be over!! im sick of being in pain.

oh and last night my whole body started aching! see ive spent the last days working my ass of at school for hours and hours, and then at night ive been painting my apartment for hours and hours, and i have barley eaten anything, so i dont have much nutrision in me, not to mension all the blood im loosing. so my whole body just feels horrible. oh and i was cold sweating tonight, woke up all sweatty. which means there is something wrong.

i dont know what to do anymore, i just wanna go back to normal...pray that i get back to normal soon!


Song of the day
(sorry ayaan i know you cant listen, get headphones damit!)

So today i got to take a pill that makes my uterus dilate and soften up. hahaha   then i got a little home abortion kit,( thats something you dont say everyday) which consists of pills, and pills for the pain, and also other essentials, like a rice bag that i heat up and i can have on my stomach, also giant pads for....well the blood.  taking all that on saturday.   the pills today just gave me cramps. ugh.

my mom thinks i shouldnt tell to many ppl...but ive only told my friends, and i happen to have quite a few that i feel i can talk to.  what does it matter anyways?  she's just scared about what ppl will think of me, well i dont care, shit happens...it just feels wrong keeping something like this a secret from my friends.  also if i didnt tell anyone, who would be my suport system right? its not like she has the right  words to say.

anyways, idol wasnt that fun today...no one that wowed me.  my favorites so far is

Anna Bergendahl

Lars Eriksson

Lars is probebly the one i like best, but i dont want him to win. i want him to do his own music and get famous. totally original.


I shouldnt even be listening to this...makes it harder...i guess i like feeling sad or something, stupid me and my self destructive ways.

its 7 weeks already...
saturday is the day.  doing it at home, more comfertable that way.


This is for my gurlies

Always remember our good times!

Memories last forever!

My Favorite Granny!


Party On!

Reunion And News

OKeey so today i hung out with my girlies! just like high school again hahah...we hung out at Ranas house, catched up and talked about old times.

Then me and Ayaan had news to tell them. my news was just that i got an apartment and that im moving out of the house....ayaans news, that i already knew was that she is moving in 2 weeks to a whole different city 6 hours away!! waaaay up in the north!!.....in the most random city, somehere in Ångemaland *rais your hands up* HAHAHA..(inside joke).

Me and ayaan where laughing our asses off, while Nema and Rana where totally shocked and serious! hahaha...it was fun laying on the floor with you laughing ayaan! hahaha.

Me sitting on the lap of Big Dady Bear ;)

The girls are back!

Ayaan, Nema, are you trying to seduce us? haha

The 019-Crew!

We also went to town because i had some stuff to check out. yup yup!

I had a fun time with you guys! =D

{Would you like to take some E and dance all night with me?..YES PLEASE!}


so yeah i got in to the university in orebro, so i guess im staying in orebro, BUT i AM moving out of the house!!.

so yaay now i get to go to school with my lovley somalia chicks haha. *yaay*


The one thing that im going to miss the most, that does not ( what i know of) exsist the same way in sweden, which is the rave scene

It has opened my eyes to this whole new scene that i LOVE! and i wish i could bring it back to sweden.

This is my friend pappy, he is a very fun person!

Dancing, Music, Lightshows, People, Love, Ecstacy,Unity...You gotta love it!

two famous beaches

So being in california obviously means you go to the beach, we havent been to the beach like everyday but we have gone a couple of times.

the first beach that we actually went into the water is Newport beach, ( you know from the OC series)

my cousin Rod posing

the waves where crazy big, and fun! haha i loved jumping into them! like a little child haha

johanna didnt want to get her hair wet, so she didnt go into the water, that why im the only one wet haha,

We also went to another famous beach named Venice beach. we dident go into the water but we walked around there, it was really cool.

in the car rocking stevens Gucci sunglases

johanna seems to be enjoying herself. =D

pretty beach

Its basicly this realy long streat along the beach with resturants, shops and...

stands like these that sold wierd and random stuff haha

During the day, its packed with people, and during the night its backed with wierd people and drugies. haha when we where going back the wierd people started showing up.

steven being random.  they had like basketball courts and outside gyms and everything there. it was really cool.

It was nice to have actually been there, i really wanna go back there some day during the day when there are no wierd people, haha guys where calling after me and johanna all the time, it was kinda creapy. lucky we had a guy with us or who knows what might have happend :O

anyways both beaches where fun =) now when they show venice beach in the movies i can say " ive been there!"

small update - 4th of july

Im not going to make a big update, im just going to make small ones.  im at my aunts for the rest of my trip so i can actually sit by a computer now. haha.

okey so for forth of july we went to a mansion party to get our drink on. it was SO pretty

the slide to the pool. ( it was a big pool)

smirnoff YUM!

johanna and her catty eyes

my cousin rod

Let me introduce you to my friend steven. He's the guy that has been taken us places, and he and his friends are the people im going to be hanging out with now that im at my aunts house and johanna is gone.

this is lexie! its soooo cute! fun dog!

enjoying the view

red, white, and blue! haha

then when it got dark we went to long beach by the queen mary to see the fire works.
me and johanna where pretty tipsy, so we where dancing around on the streets haha.

in the car.

haha eew bad picture of me ( im kinda drunk)


this is the prettiest picture of the day!

over all it was a fun night, but mostly because i was drunk haha


my future

sorry for not updating, i have a life you know hahaha

ANYWAYS!  i got in to public relations in falun! which is like 1 and a half hours from orebro, which means im moving to falun!!! yaaay finally im moving out!

i'll update eventually =P

ive had ALOT to do.

Firstly i would like to apologize for not updating, but ive been soo freking bussy! i havent had time to sit by a computer.
but here it is!


we spent a couple of days at my aunts house, to get away from all the girls, haha.  it was really hott!  but they have a pool so "its all good"

Johanna is being very patriotic!

We went to our first 21 and over club, called vanguard!  or as we say it, "vaaaaaanguuaaaard!"
it was really big! it was fun too! and guys bought us drinks all night, so yaaay!

Here is my fake- ID its kinda blurry.

However! the guard saw that they were fake, and we had to pay him off 20 bucks, which is basicly nothing, everyone sais we where lucky it was only 20 bucks.  what a good thing that we looked so hott then!

Then we went to haaalliiwoood! during the day, for the first time haha

Outside the chineese theater.


Then we took a picture with me and sponge bob, firstly you had to tip him like a dollar. then he started hitting on me!! with his freaky sponge bob voice! wtf! now im scarred for life!

im aqward and embarrised!

Then we went to mells cafe, they had a delicous veggie burger and curly fries! yuum!

Then me and johanna went to universial studios! *YAAY* thats where they film movies but its also has rides and stuff all in movie themes.
 it was SO much fun! i love it there.

this is where they filmed the grinch, its whoville!

OMG! right in the middle of our tour a plane crashed down!!

haha just kidding! this is the movie set from war of the worlds! haha

this is a random buddah haha i thought it was funny.

This is where they film most of the ocean seans.

I think you all know what his place is!

omg duff beer!

Flaming moe!!

omg homer! my hero!!

This is how you know you're in america!

Its the nutty proffessor!!  " YES I CAN!"


We have also been at an Mtv shooting for FN MTV it doesnt air in sweden, but it does air in the US!
We got to see rhianna, TI, Marron five, and two other bands we dident know about. It was basicly a whole hour of screaming and chearing! hahah
our outfits

I took a couple of pictures inside the show, but i'll post them on my next update because i dont have them on the computer.

We have also been at a show, where we saw B-Real from cypress hill! and slash!! omg it was fucking awesome!

Johanna was even brave enough to ask for a picture with him!

waiting for him to perform

johanna trying to do the sarina pose haha

And here he is!

He started smoking a big ass joint on stage, and then everyone in the audience started smoking too! haha

high as fuck

him and slash

For everyone that watches the hills. here is that resturant ketchup that they went to!!

We have also been at a rave! called electric daisy carnival.  EDC!!

haha we had to be sneaky with drinking in the car so no cops saw us.

this was the main stage, there where like 4 other dance floors with different DJs, but this was the biggest.

and finally yesterday me and johanna where running away to OC, we took the buss, it cost 1 dollar and 25 cents for both. but it took us 3 hours. haha

So now we are here in Orange county at my aunts house untill thursday. then on friday its 4th of july!!! which will be crazy. so untill then. as they say here,  see you later love!  love yaaah!

soon my precious soon...

i'll update when i get to my aunts house, which is tomorrow, so in a couple of days. so hold your horses people =P


Monday me and johanna chilled alittle for ourselfs, while the other girls went hiking. it was to hot for me, so i'll go next time.

our day started out with hanging out by the pool, our beautiful pool.

Then we went for a walk, and found a frozen yogurt place, and OMG! it was SOO delicous! and it was self service, so you could pick any kind you want and put whatever you wanted on it.

After the fat-free yogurt, we got the biggest sugar hype!, so we ended up on this beautiful gras place, and turned on some music and just danced and had a blast, haha it was fun.

Yesterday me, johanna, and paddi went down by the beach area. it was SOO pretty!

En amerikansk A-lagare! HAHA

Later that day we went to a resturant called dicks last resort, where the waiters are supose to be really rude to you and like insult you and but in where they arent supose to, hahah  but firstly we took some shots!

At the resturant.

                                                                                                                      we had the most delicous dessert!

Big Update, L.A Weekend

So this weekend we went to L.A hell yeah! apperantly we go there every weekend and party in hollywood! ( which we did).

First night.

So the first night we went to a benefit show, there where a bunch of bands there, the girls had friends that where performing. it was alot of fun, i liked it. but i dont think it was johannas scene. but it was totally my scene haha.

first we got ready at paddis place.

We made johanna totally look all rockstar, haha but she didnt like the music. oh well =P

cutie paddi and johannas cool hair

After the show we went and partied in the back of a vaccume shop! haha totally random. but  paddi and her friends manage these two DJ's and sometimes they spin in the back of the vaccume shop and they go there and drink and dance. it was alot of fun though! private DJ's and everything! haha

It actually WAS a vaccume shop in the front haha.

What dident get on camera.
Me and johanna went out side to find a place thats open to buy more rockstars. we went up the street ( totally wasted) and we went by a bar. and johanna was like oh lets go in!, So we went in and there we met these two guys, and they where gay! and totally like all girly! i LOVED them! haha I was like OMG ive always wanted to have a gay friend, and he was like well i'll be your new best friend! haha, they where sooo sweet!  but the bartender kicked us out, haha but i'll always remember them, they where the best guys! they even made out infront of us, i was like aaawww and johanna was like no homos! hahaha wtf?!

anyways i had such a great night it was so much fun. but then i drank WAY to much, and i had to go throw up haha and johanna thought it would be a nice idea to take a picture.
hahah i was so wasted. but the two DJs where like, hell yeah! now your initiated into our group! hahah wtf =P.

The next day we went to the mall, and i was SOO hung over. and felt neauses the whole day, but i had to find a dress for the night.

me and paddi in the foodcourt.

That night we went to a dance club in hollywood!! hell yeah!. unfortunatly my camera ran out of batteries, but i managed to take pictures of downtown L.A from the car.
it was SOO pretty! ah i love hollywood at night.
dont worry, we are going there everyweekend, so there will be pictures taken.

The club was SO much fun! they had three dance floors, and there where so many people. we just danced all the time. but the guys where totally different here than they are in sweden, everyone just comes up to you and asks you to dance and you just want them to leave you alone!. outside in the smoking area, this guy was working for camell ciggaretts, so he gave out free smokes! haha how awesome isnt that?!.

well im glad i couldnt drink there, because i was still kinda hung over haha. and plus the drinks here are so damn strong, all they taste is alcohol. eew. thats because the people here just want to get drunk. i think im just sticking with smirnoff ice from now on.

On sunday we went and got peddicures and mannicures, they where sooo nice! i love getting them. and it was soo cheap! 180 kr for both! OMG!

My pretty toes and nails.

Then we just chilld outside and tanned, and listend to music while we where waiting to go back to san diego.

Can you see us? haha

oh and i found a new energydrink called monster. I like it ALOT better than rockstar. so thats what im drinking from now on!

well thats my update for now.

untill next time! ciao!. Dont forget to comment, thank you!

A Lot of Walking

The day started with me and johanna walking around campus, (Its so freaking big!) we walked around for about an hour and finally found the area where all the resturants and starbucks and seven eleven was.

This is the view from the parking lot, its soo pretty, perfect place to sit and think or just chill.

just to prove that its not taken from google =P

little johanna =) ( with my top haha)

Then we chilled by the pool and drank sangritas *YUMMY* with the girls. (they have a pool right outside their apartment.)

These are 3 of the girls we live with, there are two more.

This is my new energydrink "rockstar" its not as good as poweking, because this one makes me need to pee alot, but it tastes alright. But i miss powerking! the cup was my second picher of sangrita, haha

We spent the rest of the day in down town San Diego, did some shopping and ate, ( i had my first fish taco, it was delicous). and on the way i picked johanna a flower (Im so sweet, haha)
Johanna even got a dress for free because the girl accedently pressed 00. instead of 10. when she was typing the price into the register. haha so she only had to pay like 7 dollars that the t-shirt she bought cost, and the dress she got free haha. lucky the girl that worked there dident notice.

Here are some pictures from when we walked home again and it was sunset.

And here are some random pictures from last night. We dident do anything special, we where supose to go to this college bar but we dident because no one was going there anyways and we where all tired.

Me trying to Sleep haha


Today we are going to L.A for the weekend, so i dont know if i can access a computer. i'll take alot of pictures while im there and then post them when i get back on sunday.

love you all! dont forget to leave a comment <3

Lastly everyone needs to hear this song. haha its soo funny.

<a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/8e5cf85a87">Show Me Your Genitals (Jon Lajoie)</a> on <a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/">FunnyOrDie.com</a>


We got here last night, im sooo jetlaged. i woke up at like 4.30 in the morning today, its so wierd.

our flight was soo tireing, 9 hours on the first plane, and then 4 hours of waiting in chicago and then 4 hours on the plane to los angeles. and on the last plane me and johanna dident even have seats next to eachother, so we had to sit next to strangers, those where the longest 4 hours ive ever been through.

We also got a little drunk on the plane, free wine!

but it feels nice now that we are kinda settled. i cant wait til im use to the time here and i can wake up normally.

our first day we spent at my aunts house, me and johanna went to the mall and did some shopping. we bought a few really nice things =).  We went to the pet store, where they have all the puppies and kittens in like cages and you can see them and even ask to hold them, so they take you into a room with the puppy.  me and johanna asked to hold this cutest puppy, omg he was sooo cute!! we named in snapple =P random haha.

We also had some sushi at the food court at the mall.  the california roll is sooo good!!

Then while we where waiting for paddi to come get us, me and johanna sat by the pool and had a little party haha it was fun, we danced and stuff.

haha random bild

Come join our pool party ;)

haha thats it for out trip and day, but im going to update often with lots of pictures so you guys can keep and eye on me =P hope everyone is having fun in sweden.



Im so freakin bummed out and a small degree pissed right now.

Dont get me wrong, the day has been wonderfull. ive had a great day, ive seen my gurlies, and ive been to town and watch all the people that graduated today. I bought new headphones for my ipod. and i even met mr mailman himself, Jonas! ( long time no seen). After town i went to Dans place and hung out with him and his relatives and everyone that was there. and it was really nice.

The day has been great, its the night that sucks ass!

Everyone is going to Frimis, and i cant because A, i dont have a ticket, and also dont have money to get in. And B i cant drink because im driving to karlstad tomorrow. SUCKS!.  what even sucks more is that last year on my own graduation i dident even go to frimis! which i regret SO FUCKING MUCH! 

So tonight everyone is out having fun and im stuck at home being pissed and bummed out!.  this sucks..:-(


I know i should be glad that im leaving for Cali in monday night.
But it still sucks being stuck at home, when everyone is having fun.....


Yesterday i cleaned my room. *yaay*

i also waxed my legs, but it dident go so well, the wax strips couldent get the small ones that are growing out so its really annoing.  im trying SO HARD to not shave, but its verry tempting.

i dont know where my day went, i dident do much but all of the sudden it was night. At 2 am i ended up hanging out with Emin, just randomly. i had had an x-ray drink so i wasn't tired at all.

the wierd part is, i went to bed at 4, and i woke up 10.30  thats messed up!. i usually wake up super late.

here's a little note, if i dont want to hang out with you for a couple of days, doesnt mean im alienating you, it just means i need some time apart,  the more you hang out with someone the less you apprichiate them.

Seriously  whats with people and ugly pictures?, why is it SO embarrassing to have people see an ugly picture of you? or a picture where you look wierd in, SO WHAT? wierd pictures are just fun to have, and its not like no one is going to like you just because they have seen a wierd picture of you.

Stop being so insecure people!

Here's a picture that i would normally never post,  just for the hell of it =)


haha i look SO MAD =P  dont mess with me huh! ;)

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