weekend wonderness
Well, there are two reasons why i havent updated, nr one: I dont update untill some one has commented. So dont just read, comment too! nr two: I havent been home =P.
So friday i went to frimis and partied!! the whole night was all about drinking, associating, and even some dancing! haha but i have to say, dancing with only guy isnt as fun as dancing with your girlfriends. Unfortunatley i was drinking from a bottle and some one backed right in to me, and i got the bottle right on my teeth and it cracked, a little pieace came off.
Anyways the night ended in disaster, everyone got mad, and then i got mad and then i walked to chris place in the middle of the night all by my self!. and waited outside his door for like 2 hours, untill everyone came.
Saturday was a chill day, with eating takeout, and watching movies. lets just say it was the perfect hangover day.
And today me and chris went to the movies, we watched harry potter. haha after seeing all of them, you just have to see the rest. Its impossible not too. Its just so weird of how old they are now.

So friday i went to frimis and partied!! the whole night was all about drinking, associating, and even some dancing! haha but i have to say, dancing with only guy isnt as fun as dancing with your girlfriends. Unfortunatley i was drinking from a bottle and some one backed right in to me, and i got the bottle right on my teeth and it cracked, a little pieace came off.
Anyways the night ended in disaster, everyone got mad, and then i got mad and then i walked to chris place in the middle of the night all by my self!. and waited outside his door for like 2 hours, untill everyone came.
Saturday was a chill day, with eating takeout, and watching movies. lets just say it was the perfect hangover day.
And today me and chris went to the movies, we watched harry potter. haha after seeing all of them, you just have to see the rest. Its impossible not too. Its just so weird of how old they are now.

So i saw bridge to terabithia again, that movie makes me emotional. And not even because of the plot of the movie, Its all the thoughts that go through my mind...
Its just that...im a sagittarious, we are known to be free spirited, and that is what i am, im a free spirit..but in this day and age i dont get to be that person. I want to just be able to, run around on a field..dance in the rain..go on a adventure hunt in the forest, or just drive around with no destination...i just want to feel Free, But doing all that is looked upon as childish, and i dont want people to see me as an imature girl. I want to be able to be who i am, and have people appreachate that.

Its just that...im a sagittarious, we are known to be free spirited, and that is what i am, im a free spirit..but in this day and age i dont get to be that person. I want to just be able to, run around on a field..dance in the rain..go on a adventure hunt in the forest, or just drive around with no destination...i just want to feel Free, But doing all that is looked upon as childish, and i dont want people to see me as an imature girl. I want to be able to be who i am, and have people appreachate that.

To be honest, im afraid to grow up. Now dont get my wrong, being an adult sounds exciting and there are alot of things that i want, like getting a real job, getting married, starting a family and all that. But what im afraid of is how my spirit and mind is going to handle all that. Growing older just means more responsibility and it takes away alot of freedom, which you have when you are young. And how am i supose to be able to do what makes me happy, these child-like things that grants my mind and soul of what i call happyness, careless-ness and just the feeling of being free.

Gum dropp rain and chocolate rivers
So its my last week of summer vaccation. and not alot is happening. so lets see...
Yesterday: I stayed in my bed all day and night watching movies, i cant even remember witch movies i watched, but it was alot. And i dident even have to go down to get something to eat, my mom and dad kept bringing me stuff all the time haha, it was like i was sick. it felt niice. Jonas went to gbg yesterday...aaw now i have no one to hang out with.
well im actually excited to start school, it feels like a relief, and i hope i meet some cool people i can hang out with. I desperatly need more friends. Well today i guess im not going to do anything...just sit in my bed i guess haha, im such a lazy pig.
Yesterday: I stayed in my bed all day and night watching movies, i cant even remember witch movies i watched, but it was alot. And i dident even have to go down to get something to eat, my mom and dad kept bringing me stuff all the time haha, it was like i was sick. it felt niice. Jonas went to gbg yesterday...aaw now i have no one to hang out with.
well im actually excited to start school, it feels like a relief, and i hope i meet some cool people i can hang out with. I desperatly need more friends. Well today i guess im not going to do anything...just sit in my bed i guess haha, im such a lazy pig.
That girl needs a reality check
How random isn't life?, yesterday i was so sad, and then it all changed. I ended up going to chris' house and i had an amazing time. We ate and saw movies and stuff.
So today i woke up at his house, waked him up so he could go to school. Took the bus with him and then changed bus to go home...i came home and found out sabina tried to kill herself and overdosed on pills. ( dont worry she went to the hospital and they made her throw everything up, she is fine now). I dont know how to react to that, i just think she's so stupid and immature. She has absolutly NO reason to do that. If she lived back in India then i would have understood. But here in sweden we gave her an oppertunity to have a life. and she doesnt even realise it. The psyciatrist told us she wanted to be like a 3 year old little child, be nurtured and get attention. WTF? I just feel sorry for my mom, she has to deal with So much. and she doesnt even deserve it. I say get her high on drugs. give her som kind of cooling out drugs that wont make her so stupid.
I know it sounds bad, but its true..she has a mind set of a little child and yet she is capable to do so much bad things. its STUPID. I just dont want to deal with it. She has totally lost my respect. That girl needs a serious reality check. I mean look around you! You have a home, a family, you get to go to school, you have a chanse for a future. And you dont even realise it. I think they should send her back to India to make her realise how good she has it here.
I ate chineese food today. My dad was so kind to buy some for me...however. my stomach did not appreachiate it...i felt the stomach pains afterwards.
Then at night jonas and i took a walk...we came back to my place so he could get his hair braded by lia, and we watched movies. We watched Bridge to Terabithia, which i higly recomend!. Its about these kids that play in the woods and live a fantisy life. It started to make me think
When i was young, we use to do that too...we played in the woods and made up a fantisy world, and used are imagination and creativity. However I dont think alot of kids do that anymore, everything has become so digital, and passive..with TV and computer games. Not alot of kids are out in the woods playing, and making up worlds.
I wish i was a kid again and could do that , I would have really apprechiated it.
I dreamt of fairies again...It was magical
So today i woke up at his house, waked him up so he could go to school. Took the bus with him and then changed bus to go home...i came home and found out sabina tried to kill herself and overdosed on pills. ( dont worry she went to the hospital and they made her throw everything up, she is fine now). I dont know how to react to that, i just think she's so stupid and immature. She has absolutly NO reason to do that. If she lived back in India then i would have understood. But here in sweden we gave her an oppertunity to have a life. and she doesnt even realise it. The psyciatrist told us she wanted to be like a 3 year old little child, be nurtured and get attention. WTF? I just feel sorry for my mom, she has to deal with So much. and she doesnt even deserve it. I say get her high on drugs. give her som kind of cooling out drugs that wont make her so stupid.
I know it sounds bad, but its true..she has a mind set of a little child and yet she is capable to do so much bad things. its STUPID. I just dont want to deal with it. She has totally lost my respect. That girl needs a serious reality check. I mean look around you! You have a home, a family, you get to go to school, you have a chanse for a future. And you dont even realise it. I think they should send her back to India to make her realise how good she has it here.
I ate chineese food today. My dad was so kind to buy some for me...however. my stomach did not appreachiate it...i felt the stomach pains afterwards.
Then at night jonas and i took a walk...we came back to my place so he could get his hair braded by lia, and we watched movies. We watched Bridge to Terabithia, which i higly recomend!. Its about these kids that play in the woods and live a fantisy life. It started to make me think
When i was young, we use to do that too...we played in the woods and made up a fantisy world, and used are imagination and creativity. However I dont think alot of kids do that anymore, everything has become so digital, and passive..with TV and computer games. Not alot of kids are out in the woods playing, and making up worlds.
I wish i was a kid again and could do that , I would have really apprechiated it.
I dreamt of fairies again...It was magical
and so again...
I knew it was going to happen, i dident even get my hopes up this time....i was expecting this to happen. So why do i still feel so dissapointed?...and sad..I guess i had one ounce of hope left. That ounce of hope is the problem. I have to stop hoping, even if its just so little that i dont even realise it. I have to kill hope. Only then will i be so numb that i dont feel anything. Only then will i not let anything get to me. Only then will i be happy?
* I hope you find some one that you love so much that you will never want to leave that person, you want to be with that person all the time.....Just like i loved you.
And they rise in the morning, and they sleep in the dark. and even when though nobody is looking....she's falling apart.

It feels like my life has no meaning...like all these things happen around me...but my life just stands still
* I told another lie today, and i got through the day...no one saw through my games.

I want to be so numb that you can break my heart, rip it out, stomp on it, spit on it, feed it to the dogs....and i wont feel anything. Now That is complete bliz, happyness to the fullest degree.
* I hope you find some one that you love so much that you will never want to leave that person, you want to be with that person all the time.....Just like i loved you.
And they rise in the morning, and they sleep in the dark. and even when though nobody is looking....she's falling apart.

It feels like my life has no meaning...like all these things happen around me...but my life just stands still
* I told another lie today, and i got through the day...no one saw through my games.

I want to be so numb that you can break my heart, rip it out, stomp on it, spit on it, feed it to the dogs....and i wont feel anything. Now That is complete bliz, happyness to the fullest degree.
Morning Rant
BANG! I woke up and thought to myself, what the fuck was that?. BANG! i heard it again, i finally woke up only to realise it was the sound from shotguns. remembering that there is some kind of shooting range behind the woods and though i hear the sound from the guns almost everyday, i never thought it would be this loud. I thought to myself that it is probebly a good time to wake up, I looked at my cellphone to see what time it was. 8:12. WHAT THE HELL?!?
All these thoughts went racing through my mind.
Who the hell shots guns at 8 in the morning?! the echo through the woods make the sound so loud like it was a chinees newyear. Dont they realise there are only families with children in this neighbourhood? And its a SATURDAY!. everyone has been working the whole week and they want to be able to sleep in on this wonderuss day we call weekend. And not to mention all the little babies that have been crying all night and then they finally fall asleep, only to wake up again with this penetrating pain in their ears which is the sound from the guns. And the most important part of all, Im hung over damit!
I was THIS close to call the police and be like; they must be breaking some kind of noise law or something?!.
well i couldent fall back to sleep, luckly i wasent extremly hungover or i would most defently throw a fit.
On a lighter side. I HAD SO MUCH FUN LAST NIGHT!!!!!. damn i havent just let go and dance all night like that in forever! it feelt so good! it was like the perfect night.
oh and today im going on a crayfish party ( haha thats how you translate it, funny i know). With mr jonas. Gosh ive been craving crayfish or lobster for so long! i hope it turns out as a good day.
Im home alone today, my whole family just left for gothenburg this morning. I dident even know they were going. They just left me here....i feel so leftbehind...

HAHA JUST KIDDING!!!. I love every single one of you!!

I wish to be free, I wish to be care-less, I wish to be free-spirited with no one judgeing you, I wish to be able to run in the fields, I wish to laugh, I wish to cry from happyness, I wish to bring out the child in me, I wish to lay in the grass looking at the sky, I wish to roll around enjoying being dizzy, But most of all...I wish you would wish the same.
All these thoughts went racing through my mind.
Who the hell shots guns at 8 in the morning?! the echo through the woods make the sound so loud like it was a chinees newyear. Dont they realise there are only families with children in this neighbourhood? And its a SATURDAY!. everyone has been working the whole week and they want to be able to sleep in on this wonderuss day we call weekend. And not to mention all the little babies that have been crying all night and then they finally fall asleep, only to wake up again with this penetrating pain in their ears which is the sound from the guns. And the most important part of all, Im hung over damit!
I was THIS close to call the police and be like; they must be breaking some kind of noise law or something?!.
well i couldent fall back to sleep, luckly i wasent extremly hungover or i would most defently throw a fit.
On a lighter side. I HAD SO MUCH FUN LAST NIGHT!!!!!. damn i havent just let go and dance all night like that in forever! it feelt so good! it was like the perfect night.
oh and today im going on a crayfish party ( haha thats how you translate it, funny i know). With mr jonas. Gosh ive been craving crayfish or lobster for so long! i hope it turns out as a good day.
Im home alone today, my whole family just left for gothenburg this morning. I dident even know they were going. They just left me here....i feel so leftbehind...

HAHA JUST KIDDING!!!. I love every single one of you!!

I wish to be free, I wish to be care-less, I wish to be free-spirited with no one judgeing you, I wish to be able to run in the fields, I wish to laugh, I wish to cry from happyness, I wish to bring out the child in me, I wish to lay in the grass looking at the sky, I wish to roll around enjoying being dizzy, But most of all...I wish you would wish the same.
Coffie in the morning.
Well today is my start of my new way of live, my way of making a change, and to celebrate that im actually going to re model my room a little. But i guess i have to start cleaning my room first. oh and johanna is coming over to pre-party so i guess im in a kinda hurry. But thats typicall me, never stress even if i actually should. But somehow everything seem to work out in the end.
So tonight is my Girls night out!. It actually feels good that chris isnt here, wait before you get any thought, hear me out first! Usually when i have girls night out, i cant enjoy myself because i just want to go home to chris and be with him, and so i dont enjoy the night. But since he is not here, i dont have to think about that and i can actually have fun tonight!.
Im going out with johanna, but i think i'll be meeting jonas and his friends when we're out. i hope johan comes too =)
Swedish weather is SO WIERD! It was raning for like 2 hours and now its sunny. well i guess its good, because then you get to see a rainbow! YAAY

Since i just woke up i dont have much on my mind. no wise words, or indept thoughts, but i'll leave you with this:
In the journey of life, you will meet lots of people, some stay and some go, some stay with you, while some are just a meer memory, some may hurt you while others bring you joy. But wherever life takes you and whatever life puts you through. remember this; the only thing that you will always have, the one constant thing you can always rely on is You. Because in the end the only person you have left, is yourself. So every choice you have to make, make sure it is for your best, and your interest. Treat yourself as king of your own land. because that is what you are.
So tonight is my Girls night out!. It actually feels good that chris isnt here, wait before you get any thought, hear me out first! Usually when i have girls night out, i cant enjoy myself because i just want to go home to chris and be with him, and so i dont enjoy the night. But since he is not here, i dont have to think about that and i can actually have fun tonight!.
Im going out with johanna, but i think i'll be meeting jonas and his friends when we're out. i hope johan comes too =)
Swedish weather is SO WIERD! It was raning for like 2 hours and now its sunny. well i guess its good, because then you get to see a rainbow! YAAY

Since i just woke up i dont have much on my mind. no wise words, or indept thoughts, but i'll leave you with this:
In the journey of life, you will meet lots of people, some stay and some go, some stay with you, while some are just a meer memory, some may hurt you while others bring you joy. But wherever life takes you and whatever life puts you through. remember this; the only thing that you will always have, the one constant thing you can always rely on is You. Because in the end the only person you have left, is yourself. So every choice you have to make, make sure it is for your best, and your interest. Treat yourself as king of your own land. because that is what you are.
Time for change
Im done living like this, im not myself anymore, im so sick and tired of living in this body, its growing in every way and i dont want it, i want it to stop!. I want to go back to my old exhousting ways. The ruitine i used to have, it fullfilled me in every way. i dident need anything else and i was Happy . I felt I accomplished something good for myself.
There is no better feeling than the euphoria you get after accomplishing a goal. the enternal bliz you feel wile you are there. and not to mention the high you feel after a couple of days.
* I think im allergic to cats.
So Chris is on the westcoast of sweden for 4 days, before he left i thought i was going to die without him, but now that he is gone, its not that bad. Im not dieing and to be honest i dont miss him that much. now This is a good thing! I dont want to be obsessed about him anymore. And plus i want him to know a life without me, even if it is only for a couple of days.
* coffie is an excelent source of laxetive
I guess thats it, one last question:

Do You Believe In Fairies?
There is no better feeling than the euphoria you get after accomplishing a goal. the enternal bliz you feel wile you are there. and not to mention the high you feel after a couple of days.
* I think im allergic to cats.
So Chris is on the westcoast of sweden for 4 days, before he left i thought i was going to die without him, but now that he is gone, its not that bad. Im not dieing and to be honest i dont miss him that much. now This is a good thing! I dont want to be obsessed about him anymore. And plus i want him to know a life without me, even if it is only for a couple of days.
* coffie is an excelent source of laxetive
I guess thats it, one last question:

Do You Believe In Fairies?