My Night Out

Allthough my night out for the first time was like a week ago, i havent had a computer since monday. so here is my update on my birthday celebration night.

IT WAS SO MUCH FUUUN!!! OMG it couldent have been any better!! i had A BLAST!.

One Side Of My Room ( haha Check Out Jonas' Face)

The other side of my room( Haha Check Out Steves Chipmunk-Cheeks)

The First Drink. A Cosmo Ofcourse!

Party Girls!

Me and Steve                                                                                  Me And Chris55020-34

Anyways I Just Want To Thank Everyone For The Awsome Night!! Love Ya All!

Open House

Today we had a biology test,  ugh dont ask me how it went because i dont want to talk about it. we will just see i guess!. And to night we had Open House at school. started 6 pm-8pm.  It was fun! 

First we had a debate.

We Were Con Suicide

Jonas VS Ayaan

We are the coolest!.


Anyways then we sat and chilled.  and some one gave me one of those glowing sticks! haha it was so pretty!

Then i got a ride home from Jonas.  yaaay!.

{ Suice Is A Permanent Solution To A Temporary Problem }

Student Hatts.

Today is the -day after my birthday day- haha. i actually went to school without any makeup today! *shocked* haha i dident feel like having any on.
We tried on student hatts today.

we also chilled with my new ipod.

The day was pretty average. we went to the library and studied for the biology test tomorrow!

{Peace Can Not Be Kept By Force, It Can Only Be Achived Through Understanding}

Happy Birthday

So yesterday was my birthday.   it was a VERY nice day! it started out with my parents coming in at 6am! with a tray of breakfast singing happybirthday and me not understaning what is going on. haha i hate when they take pictuers in the morning. specially 6 am!. they gave me a digital camera and an apple ipod nano! exactly what i wanted!.
then i went to school and I saw pictures of me all over school. it was SO embarresing!
This is what i saw

oooh my evil friends! haha.  other than that the day was verry nice! i got scones that nema made, which i have been craving forever! and i finally got my purple nailpollish that i wanted. and the cutest headband! and candles that are gonna mach my new purple room after i have redecorated it.!  then we went back to my place and had some delicous cake! it was SOO good!


After everyone left chris came and gave me his presents and ate cake. i got these REALLY cute earings! that match a neckles that i have. and i got one of those heart pillows with arms sticking out. that i can sleep with when he's not here ;) then we chilled =) it was sooooooo nice!  the whole day was nice!.

Thank you everyone! love ya all


This weekend has been nice. I hung out with chris the whole weekend.
Props to chris

But my lip hurts like hell! skin has been peeled of..and its stings, and is a little swollen
it looks wierd...its all red... and i cant smile withouth it stinging.  poor me =(

Then after he left i rememberd i had a speach for swedish class due tomorrow! so i had to sitdown and write that. it went pretty well actually. i havent done homework in a long time. haha.

My mom and chris talked in private for a REALLY long time! and they wont tell me what it was about. that i would find out later...ugh i hate when they do that its annoying, and exciting at the same time =P.

tuesday is my birthday!!! wohoOOoo!

{ Dream Is Destiny}


Today i was so tired that i slept through the 2 of my first lessions, it was SOO NICE! haha. my biology teaches is the best in the world, he said " maybe it was better that you slept, you dont look so well".  aaww

Propps to my biology teacher

In reality i wasent sick at all, i was just really tired.
Then we had the religion presentation. it went well...then i had to skip english class, because i couldent read through the whole last part of dr jekyll and mr hyde. i'l go to the discussion next week.

The day isnt over yet so i will update later.

....Back Again....



Today has been a long day, I had a physics B course test...and it was pretty demanding.  Luckley i got a ride from jonas this morning! yaay   
Props To Jonas:

Haha that reminds me of what a fool I made out of myself yesterday!
I went in the store to buy coke while jonas sat in the car, when i got out I walked to the car but the door was locked, so I looked inside to say "open up damit!", only to find that IT WAS THE WRONG CAR!  a woman stared at me strange and then drove away. I turned around and found jonas on the otherside in his car laughing his ass off!. Omg...the shame..haha.

In cooking class today I made a whole batch of brownies, and got to take them home! I should probebly bring some for my dear friends in school...haha arent they going to be happy!.

{The Only Thing Constant Is Change}

not in the mood.

Wednesday, I can't believe its already wednesday...I can't believe half the break has gone by already.

 -Im loosing time.


I guess everyone is going to frimis tonight. Im not, I'm not in such a party mood, therefore I wont be attending the party tonight, because I know it will just be a waste of  "fake energy", and I need that energy for school.
So I guess i'l be sitting home with a bag of chips flippin through the TV..-" aaah the joy.. "


I woke up today with a MAJOR tooth-ache,  Damn wisdome  tooth is growing to fast, it hurts like a  Motherf*cker.   I have had a bowl of noodles today, I feel discusting.


So my mom finally called the doctor on me,{ Damit!}, Why the hell does she even care?, I bet she wants me to get better so she can use me more, make me do more slave-work around the house.
-What if I don't want to get better..? What if feeling like like everything around me is draining my energy, like simple things dont seem to stick to my memory, like one single word to much can make me have an outburst, what if I like to feel that way?
- Who am i kidding?



Harder and harder for each day that goes by,

wishing she could just run away and hide,

sick of her everyday-living in a lie,

this isn't her, this is not how she's supose to die,

feels like she's living behind a wall,

cant see clearly, afraid she's gonna fall,

for how long further does she have to live these ways,

she's just haning in, expecting better days.©

Well this has been interesting,...NOT.

mood swings


Been on the verge of crying the whole day, I dont even know why.

Im such a fucked upp mess.


My mom told me to come with her to the grocery store today. Probebly because she felt sorry for me because i was sitting home all day. Or becaues she needed money from me, eitherway..they both suck.

she wants me to go see a doctor about my, situtation.
- Constant tiredness,
-Loosing memory,
-( well there is alot more that she just doen't know about)


Well i made the decision, Im filling my days with something to do...and they are not gonna be with you..
Because i know i will regret waisting my days at the end of the week, there fore i have to do ANYTHING.  except that one thing.


Is it wierd that i can go days without eating, and then all of the sudden i eat a whole cake?....I dont think so. ..But my mom does.

Well this has been uncomfertably unecessary.

Something New

A typical sunday, slow and uncomfortable?

Not really, I was at Sara's house for dinner. I dont like it when people make me eat..but i ate anyways.

*Things are better now, so i dont have to worry about that anymore.

One week of no school, it feels really good! I think this is something I really need, I need to rest my head and my body. since I haven't been feeling well latley.


I still feel so wierd, I cant really explane it. Like im about to fall into this black whole, and there is no way out.

Im not the same person i used to be
Atleast not inside.

I keep thinking about it, am i really leaving december 27th 2007? is that really the day i will finally truely be happy?....or is it just something my parents tell me to keep my hopes up?.  I dont know, im to scared to get my hopes up, but at the same time....Its the only thing that is keeping me going. Making me deal with all this shit, just so one day i can finally sit on that plane and be gone....


I really feel like i need summer right now. Its the only thing on my mind. SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER. warm weather, freedom, fun, no care in the all sounds so good.

I guess thats it for today.

"And I Find It Kind Of Funny, I Find It Kind Of Sad, The Dreams In Which I'm Dying, Are The Best I've Ever Had"

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